
Treat Pets at Home and Save Money

Treat Pets at Home and Save Money

Here a few mistakes Veterinarian, Dr. Andrew Jones, made with his own dog, Hoochie:

Mistake #1: Vaccines – Given Every Year

Dr Jones gave Hoochie his combination of vaccines every year until he died. “I advised pet owners to vaccinate their pets yearly, so I gave my own dog the same vaccines. The vaccines likely contributed to him developing spleen cancer.”

Mistake #2: Diet – He Was Fed An All-In-One “Complete” Veterinary Food

Hoochie was fed a Veterinary approved food exclusively, yet he developed Spleen cancer at the age of 8, and died shortly after. The “Bright Minds” in the pet food industry have created unwell pets, producing increasing incidences of diabetes, cancer and allergies. The food that Hoochie ate was NOT naturally preserved. The unnatural preservatives played a role in the cancer.

Mistake #3: Conventional Medication – He Was On Anti-Inflammatories

Hoochie was showing signs of arthritis, so I had been giving him a conventional veterinary medication.  He responded to the medication, but it likely played a role in damaging his organs, making him susceptible to cancer.

“Yes, I as a knowledgeable veterinarian with 15 years of experience,contributed to my pet’s death.

I began to read, to research, to discuss with other colleagues the pitfalls of the current state of modern veterinary practice, and I began to write a textbook.  I spent thousands of hours exploring ways for pet owners to administer first aid, improve behavior problems, and even treat illnesses using readily available household products.  

I began using my ‘newer style’ of medicine in my practice.  My patients benefited tremendously from this research – and you can too.

 Easily Care For Your Pet And Treat Illnesses And Ailments Confidently, Competently At Home
Using Techniques And Inexpensive Natural Ingredients…

To Learn How To Treat Your Dog At Home 


…And Save Thousands Of Dollars Compared To Relying Exclusively On Professional Veterinary Services

  You’ll Learn:
  How to examine, diagnose and treat your pet at home.

  “It has taken me over 3 years to squeeze 15 years worth of veterinary training & experience into this course. It has been an
exhausting process. The work for this course first began in 2003… and completing it has become an obsession in the last 6

  If you’re not ready to make some simple changes to the way you provide veterinary care to your pet, beginning today…

…your dog…could be seriously ill and live a “shortened” life!

See Exactly How You CAN Keep Your Pets Healthy,  Extend Their Lives and Save on Vet Bills By


 Overview of Veterinary Secrets Revealed, 2nd Edition:

Veterinary Secrets Revealed, 2nd Edition is a 480 page reference book written by Dr Andrew Jones, DVM that focuses on healing common pet health problems with simple and natural home remedies.

The book is divided into 4 main sections. The first section gives a general guideline to follow for home pet health care and includes chapters on how to care for a sick animal, how to perform a pet health exam at home, essential first aid with pet CPR and what to include in a pet medicine chest.

The second section describes the herbs and the preparation necessary for the many home remedies discussed in the book.  It also includes chapters on healing with homeopathy, acupressure and massage.

The third section focuses on pet food, pet vaccinations, and a chapter on preventing cancer in pets.

The fourth section is the main bulk of the book and lists down the recommended remedies for 92 specific pet health problems, including aggression, allergies, diabetes, diarrhea, eye disorders, overweight, wounds and lacerations, etc.

Official Veterinary Secrets Revealed Website >>

Veterinary Secrets Revealed is a highly comprehensive manual and reference guide with home remedies to nearly every pet illness you can think of. This manual will save you countless expensive trips to the vet and is highly recommended.

Actual Customer Feedback

“This is the most comprehensive book I have found for taking care of my cats, and I strongly recommend it to all of you.”-

“We live in rural Alberta and grow our own organic vegetables, herbs, some fruit and Bantams for eggs, so appreciate the natural solution when possible. We are so thrilled with “Veterinary Secrets Revealed” we recommended it to friends. We hope for their sake (and their pet’s) they follow up”. –

“Your book, Veterinary Secrets Revealed is a quick, easy-to-use reference for pet owners who are conversant with natural health terms and practices. Your book should be on every pet owners bookshelf. With the emergency treatments and CPR included are a must for all pet owners.” – portion of actual customer feedback from Kathleen

“Veterinary Secrets Revealed’ is a book that is long overdue. Dr. Jones has provided a go to guide for many aliments that plague our animals. The best thing about this book concerns its focus on boosting health rather than just treating symptomology. I am always looking for safe, effective ways to booster my cats health, and Dr. Jones has provided this information for various diseases and conditions experienced by animals. – Jamie, Dallas

About the Author

Dr. Andrew Jones graduated with his DVM from the University of Saskatchewan and was a practicing small animal veterinarian for 16 years in Nelson BC, Canada. He developed a special interest in natural and alternative ways to heal pets, and has written and produced several books and videos on at-home pet health care. He has also developed a unique home study course on pet healing know as the “Veterinary Secrets Revealed Complete Home Study Multimedia Course”.

Dr. Jones’ is a strong advocate of safe, natural home care for dogs and cats and his goal is to empower pet owners to take a much more active role in caring for their pet’s health.

Product Details

Product Type: available as a printed manual or PDF e-Book
Edition: 2nd Edition
Pages: 480
Language: English
Publisher: Four Paws Online Ltd
ISBN: 978-0-9810926-0-7 (Print Edition)


$67 (PDF e-Book)

$147 with free shipping (printed manual)

What’s the REAL Cost of
Veterinary Secrets Revealed?

If you are wondering whether you can afford Dr. Jones’ healing system, consider this:

  • The current average cost for ONE SINGLE VISIT to the Vet Clinic is $180.00.

  • The average yearly Vet Bill for one dog is $395.00, and $244.00 for one cat (AVMA, 2006).

And if you have more than one pet? The average annual bill for multiple pet households is over $1000.00.

For every visit to your Vet that Veterinary Secrets Revealed helps you avoid, you’ll save over $100.

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“When I received your book I wish I would of gotten this a long time ago. I went to two vets before they discovered what was wrong with my cat who was 11 years old. By then it was to late. He was diagnosed with thyroid problem. They put him on Tapoz and that made him worse and to be put to sleep. Your book would of helped him. Well I got two new Birman kitties and I have your book.

Thank You, ”

Sylvia, Palmdale, Ca.

“I have enjoyed your E-book so much I have recommended it to all of my pet loving friends. Not all of them are as interested in caring for their pets the way you and I are but I am hoping as time goes by and they continue to ask me for my advice they too will come to understand how important your E-book is and buy it for themselves. I really appreciate having a reference at my fingertips without having to wait for a Vet or relying on someone else for the care and treatment of my “children”. 

I will continue to ‘tout’ your e-book and recommend your newsletters to all my internet friends. I only wish more Vets would be as forthcoming as you have been with their expertise and I hope someday they will recognise the benefits of alternate cures. I know I am very tired of the cure being worse than the disease and having no alternative but to return time after time to an expensive Veterinarian and still feeling like I didn`t know any more than I did when I went in.

Please continue what you are doing. You are a GOD Send.”
Thelma Blackwell, Lincolnton

“Dr. Jones, 

Your book, Veterinary Secrets Revealed is a quick, easy-to-use reference for pet owners who are conversant with natural health terms and practices. Your book should be on every pet owners bookshelf. With the emergency treatments and CPR included are a must for all pet owners.

Thank you for your fast response to my inquiry on Hyperthyroid Disease.”

“Dear Dr. Jones,Thank you very much for your wonderful, informative book. I have used the Chinese herbal formulation for recurrent urinary tract infections and finally have my dog’s urinary infections stopped!! I would rate this ebook at 5 PAWS!!!

Best regards,”
Cecile Mate, Boston, MA
“Your eBook Veterinary Secrets Revealed & your Daily Newsletter have been very informative. We have 4 dogs & 4 cats that need attending to. So we seem to have one problem or another to keep in check. We have been doing our own Vet Work, being raised on a farm and using home remedies for years. I have purchased your eBook to improve my knowledge on pet care.

The information that you have provided so far is outstanding. A healthy pet is a happy pet. What more could a pet owner want. ”
Richard, Nanaimo
“Dr. Jones,

I wanted to thank you for your help with my Buddyroe, you may not remember but he had prostrate cancer. He had gone through kemo tretments and got better for a short while. Then I discovered your web page and asked you what to you gave me some advice and Buddyroe started to show improvement using your tretment suggestions and I was able to have him another 4 months. He was playfull and seemed to be fine. He went peacefully sunning in his favorite spot. We were told by the vet that had treatmened using kemo admitted that it was probibly kemo that killed my Buddyroe.

I thank you for the extra time I had with Buddy, I can’t thank you enough even if I wrote you every day. Respectfully,”

Grady W. Turner, Georgia, USA
“Dear Dr. Jones,

Thank you for your Veterinary Secrets Revealed! I just wanted to let you know that I have bought your book & am very happy with it! Shortly after buying it, a friend of mine had a German Shepherd that was very sick, but he didn’t know what the problem was. We email each other quite often, so I asked him what symptoms the dog was having.

After his reply, I checked your book & was able to tell him that it was either one of two different problems. Both symptoms required him to take the dog in to emergency, so I was able to help save his dog! He has now bought your book as well, just because of this!

Thank you so much!”
“‘Veterinary Secrets Revealed’ is a book that is long overdue. Dr. Jones has provided a go to guide for many aliments that plague our animals. The best thing about this book concerns its focus on boosting health rather than just treating symptomology. I am always looking for safe, effective ways to booster my cats health, and Dr. Jones has provided this information for various diseases and conditions experienced by animals. ”

Important Disclaimer: The stories and information on this site are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you or your pet has a medical problem, you should consult your medical doctor or veterinarian. The ideas and information on this site have not been endorsed or approved by the FDA.  In no event shall the owners of this website be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Opinions expressed here are those of individual contributors. This web site does not verify or endorse the claims of contributing writers.

The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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