
Pet Alive Products

Pet Alive – Leading Brand of Herbal and Homeopathic Remedies

Pet Alive remedies are especially formulated for complete holistic health and wellness for your pet, plus the quality, safety and effectiveness you can trust!

As the market-leading brand of natural remedies for pets, Pet Alive ensures the highest quality, and all products are laboratory-tested. Homeopathic remedies provide quick relief from symptoms and herbal supplements result in improved long-term health.  Products are free of chemicals and added fillers such as artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives.

Pet Alive stands behind its products and offers a FULL one-year unconditional money back guarantee!

Herbal and Homeopathic Supplements:

  • GMO-free whole herbs
  • Herbs picked at their peak of potency.
  • Herbs are processed immediately after arrival.
  • Ingredients go through the Full Spectrum method of extraction. This maintains the plant’s natural balance and integrity and enhances the overall therapeutic effects.
  • Pet Alive supports local certified organic growers and a select group of wild harvesters.
  • Homeopathic ingredients are natural and contain no artificial flavors, colors, or added gluten.
  • All ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS), the official homeopathic compendium accepted by the FDA.

Please click on the following Pet Alive Products for more information:

Allergy Itch Ease for pet allergy relief and to help stop scratching and itching for dogs and cats.

Homeopathic remedy that relieves & soothes skin allergies & stops scratching.
Parasite Dr promotes digestive detox and functioning
Natural prevention and treatment for parasites/worms.
Pet Calm Relieves Acute Anxiety and Nervousness
Pet Calm
Relieves acute symptoms of fear and nervousness.
Pet Alive Heart and Circulation Tonic - herbal and homeopathic remedy for healthier heart and circulation
Reduces the risk of heart disease and improves healthy circulation to all parts of the body, including the brain.
A 100% herbal remedy specially formulated to support digestive health and functioning in pets.
Pet Alive Natural Moves relieves pet constipation and promotes bowel health
Relieves pet constipation
and promotes bowel health.
Pet Alive EaseSure for pet seizure treatment and prevention

Relieves acute seizures immediately and helps to prevent  seizures.
Pet Alive Thyroid Soothe promotes healthy thyroid functioning in pets
Calms nervous pets, reduces hyperactivity and shedding, supports skin & coat health, energy levels, digestive functioning and a healthy body weight.
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