
Pet Calm

Pet Calm – Pet Anxiety Remedy


  • Safe, effective, & non-addictive
  • Immediately calms anxious, stressed and highly strung pets
  • Reduces anxiety in pets with nervous dispositions
  • Reduces distress during fireworks and other frightening occasions
  • Calms excitability in competitive events
  • Promotes nervous system health & improves emotional balance
  • One Year Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

Click here to order Pet Calm Anxiety Remedy!

Pet Calm – an anxiety remedy that relieves acute symptoms of fear and nervousness, helping to calm and soothe your pet back to a balanced mood.

Our Siamese cat …jumps at the slightest sound. She hates the sound of vacuum cleaners and is very sensitive to noise of all kinds. Since we have been giving her PetCalm every day we have seen a big improvement and she is more happy and relaxed.     – N.D.

What is Pet Calm?

PetCalm is a safe, non-addictive, FDA-registered 100% natural homeopathic OTC medicine formulated especially for pets to relieve acute symptoms of fear and nervousness, helping to calm and soothe your pet back to a balanced mood.  It may be used regularly to reduce anxiety and stress in highly strung or chronically anxious pets, or as needed for relief during particularly stressful situations like competitive events, visits to the vet, change of home, domestic stress, etc.

PetCalm is also an excellent companion to Problem Pet Solution, as it relieves common cat and dog behavior problems like barking, biting, hyperactivity and overactive libido.

Used together, PetCalm and Problem Pet Solution can help calm anxious, stressed and overexcited pets, plus improve emotional balance and overall temperament naturally!

PetCalm comes in convenient, dissolvable granule form. Safe and easy to administer, these pleasant tasting granules are simply sprinkled on your pet’s tongue and rapidly absorbed in the mouth — making them easy to administer. PetCalm is a natural remedy with no risk of side effects or addiction and can be safely used by animals of all ages and sizes.

All PetAlive homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts are manufactured in a FDA and GMP registered pharmaceutical facility under the supervision of qualified homeopaths and responsible pharmacists. Individual ingredients are listed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS)

Fearful dog needs Pet Calm.

The Natural Way:

The best approach to nervous system health is a holistic one. This means a healthy dietregular exercise and a secure home environment — as well as extra support in times of stressful events like Halloween.  Natural remedies can be of great benefit in soothing fear and nervous anxiety safely and effectively.

What else can you do to help your pet during times of stress?

Here are some tips from our Clinical Psychologist and Veterinary Nurse:

  • Although it’s a natural urge to comfort your pet during times of distress, by giving your pet attention during a frightening episode such as a thunderstorm, you may actually encourage the behavior. Ensure that your pet feels secure, turn up the radio or put on the TV to mask loud noises and provide a warm, cozily lit area for your pet to sleep in, and then do your utmost to ignore any unwanted behavior. Not an easy thing to do, but persevere.
  • Be consistent with your reaction to your pet. The whole family needs to follow the same routine when dealing with your pet’s anxieties otherwise your pet will become confused and even more insecure.
  • Consider consulting an animal behaviorist if your pet’s behavior is affecting quality of life.
  • The sooner a problem is addressed, the easier it will be to modify the behavior.
  • Start socializing your new pet at an early age, allowing pets to become accustomed to trips in the car, strange noises, yelling children, noisy rubbish collection trucks etc.
  • Regular daily exercise is essential to help keep your pet healthy and fit, as well as in peak mental health. Bored, frustrated animals can hardly be expected to behave well.
  • A confident pet is a happy pet and will be an asset to any owner. This means lots of love along with consistent rules and discipline.


Anxiety in Pets:

Although certain animals do have a more nervous temperament than others, traumatic events or exposure to particular stressors can upset even a normally calm animal.Fireworks, a trip to the vet, thunderstorms, small children, an abusive situation, change of owner, hair dryers, change of house, the addition of another pet — these are just a few of the everyday situations that can cause heightened levels of anxiety in your pet.

Many pets are also exposed to a variety of day-to-day stresses. They live essentially on fast food (with not much nutritional value) and are often left alone for hours at a time, frequently in fairly confined environments.

These factors can contribute to high levels of stress and anxiety. In addition, pets are very attuned to their owner’s stress levels. If you are anxious and stressed, this will impact your pet. This can be a particular problem when taking part in competitive events like pet shows and competitions. When there is stress or trauma at home (e.g. during times of conflict, divorce or domestic stress) PetCalm can help your pet cope without compromising health.

How has Pet Calm helped others?

PetCalm has been used to soothe fear and nervous anxiety. Here is what some pet owners have to say:

“We give our dogs PetCalm just before we have guests over as they always become excited and nervous when there are new people in the house. It helps very much.”

—Bridgetta R.

“From the first car trip when we picked up our Jack Russell Terrier, Sara, at 6 weeks old, she has had car sickness. She was happy to get in the car but almost immediately began to yawn, salivate, and then vomit.  I hated sedating her for trips and no amount of desensitizing worked. I have a friend who is into homeopathy, and she encouraged me to try PetCalm after finding you on the net. Amazing. One dose and into the car and down to the lake for a run. No signs of anxiety or vomiting. We’ve had several trips since with no problems. I’m a skeptic and didn’t honestly think it would work, but I’m converted. Now, we can take Sara in the car. She’s happy and so are we. What a great product.”

—Anne T., Australia


“Our little Maltese is a real baby whenever it comes to a visit to the vet! If we give her a dose of PetCalm just before leaving and one when we are there, there is such a big difference which makes everyone much happier. Thanks for this lovely remedy which is easy to administer – as you say truly without fuss or bother!”


“I am very impressed with your product. At first I was a bit leery of using it as it is made in South Africa and I was a little nervous about regulations in manufacturing but I absolutely love the product now that I’ve used it. I have a 145lb Great Dane who gets frantic during car trips and thunder storms. He gets four pinches of PetCalm and rides well and sleeps through thunder storms! I especially like how this doesn’t make him drowsy or alter him except to let him relax. Thank you!”

—Jasmine, ME, USA

“Our Siamese cat …jumps at the slightest sound. She hates the sound of vacuum cleaners and is very sensitive to noise of all kinds. Since we have been giving her PetCalm every day we have seen a big improvement and she is more happy and relaxed. I can recommend this product to anyone with a highly strung sensitive cat or dog”


“I have a Jack Russell who pants and shakes terribly during a thunder storm. I give her a pinch of PetCalm and within seconds she is relaxed. Thanks for a great product.”

—Gail Ann, USA

“My beautiful pekingese Ewok was starting to act very weird. He used to be best friend with his brother Gizmo (a pug) but we adopted a 3 dog (another pekingese). From that moment, Ewok turned very angry, jealous and very agressive when his little brother tried to play with the eldest one.

I bought this product for my english mastiff and great pyrenees, who get scared with tunderstoms but honestly didnt use it until now. As soon as Ewok started taking this he became more friendly, playful and happy, totally recommend it!!!

– B.D., USA”

“PetCalm is certainly having a calming effect on my 7 year old cat who is the only female with 2 males, one slightly younger who has been with us for 6 years and the other is quite old and came to live with us about 3 years ago.

She sprays and, because there is no medical problem, we believe she’s stressed and keeps marking her territory.

The only thing I found unusual is that the instructions say to take a pinch from such a tiny bottle. I now wet my finger, shake some of the PetCalm on it and pop it into her mouth.PetCalm must taste okay because she licks it off my finger and doesn’t get upset about it.  Thank you from Australia.”

– Faith

“My 100 pound, 9 year old boxer is a huge baby. He gets so stressed out so easily and he shakes from the upset. Anything can set him off, a serious discussion, the new baby crying, yelling on tv…. After trying a product for myself from Native Remedies and knowing we didn’t want to medicate him, I was happy to see there were pet products too! I had to use a second dose but once we did, he stopped shaking and relaxed. Now we use this anytime the baby is really fussy, or there is anything serious being discussed in the house. We will definitely use it during the new year’s eve fireworks as well. So far so good!!!”   – Benson, USA


Disclaimer: Testimonials have been edited to comply with FDA regulations. While positive results are likely, the testimonials used are general results and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results – individual results may vary.

What are the Ingredients?

PetCalm is a 100% homeopathic formula and contains the following ingredients in therapeutic dosage: Arg nit (30C), Kali phos (6C), Passiflora (3X), Scutellaria (3X), Sucrose.

  • Scutellaria (3X) is one of the best known herbs for treating anxiety and other nervous disorders. Scullcap may be used for situational anxiety linked to a stressful event (e.g. a trip to the vet or a competitive event) or for more chronic nervous conditions. Providing tonic benefits for the entire nervous system, it helps to soothe and calm pets while also reducing excitability.
  • Passiflora (3X) is another natural remedy that has been used since the 19th century for nervous conditions and is often called a ‘natural tranquilizer’. Modern research supports traditional usage and clinical trials have demonstrated the relaxing and anti-anxiety effects of Passiflora (Akhondzadeh S, Naghavi HR, Vazirian M, Shayeganpour A, Rashidi H, Khani M. “Passion flower in the treatment of generalized anxiety: a pilot double-blind randomized controlled trial with oxazepam.&rdquo J Clin Pharm Ther. 2001;26(5):369-373.).
  • Kali phos (6C) is a biochemic tissue salt with many therapeutic benefits. It is extremely useful for the relief of anxiety and emotional tension and is of great help to pets with nervous dispositions who are sensitive to stress or change of any sort.
  • Arg nit (30C) is a proven homeopathic remedy for anxiety, phobias and other nervous disorders. Also effective for digestive disorders, especially when linked to anxiety and stress.
  • Sucrose (inactive ingredient)

This homeopathic remedy is an OTC medicine registered with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).PetAlive is the leading brand of natural remedies known for safe, effective and quality products. Our remedies are formulated by natural health experts and produced under thehighest pharmaceutical standards in FDA-registered, GMP certified facilities. We utilize the finest quality ingredients that are officially monographed in the Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States (HPUS).

PetAlive homeopathic products and biochemic tissue salts never contain any animal products, gluten, artificial colors, flavors or preservatives, and are not tested on animals. Our products are always backed by our 60 Day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee.

Our products are not tested on animals and individual ingredients are well-researched and are natural, safe and effective.

How do I use Pet Calm?


PetCalm comes in convenient dissolvable granule form. The tiny granules are easy to administer to pets of all sizes and personalities with no fuss or bother! Administer hourly as needed. Thereafter administer 2-3 times daily for ongoing support if necessary.


Cats: 1 pinch
Dogs under 20 lbs: 1 pinch
Dogs 20-50 lbs: 2 pinches
Dogs over 50 lbs: ¼ cap

PetCalm is also safe for small pets.

Ferrets and rabbits: 1 small pinch
Hamsters, gerbils & mice: Approx. 15 granules
Birds:  Find a dose that works best for your birds as there is no risk of overdosing or toxicity with homeopathy.  For ease of use,  dissolve the granules in water and administer in that way to birds.
Note: Safe for animals of all ages, pregnant animals or animals that are nursing. PetCalm can safely be used along with prescription medications. No adverse interactions have been noted between the ingredients in PetCalm and prescription medications. However, as with any medicine, it is always advisable to consult your vet.

For added behavioral support, it is recommended that PetCalm be administered in conjunction with Problem Pet Solution to improve overall temperament and emotional balance in cats and dogs.

CAUTION:  Consult your vet if symptoms persist.


Get optimum results with regular use

While conventional medicine works by often treating just the symptoms, natural medicine strives to create holistic balance in the body to support systemic health, relieve ailments, and help prevent future disease. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, the natural ingredients in our remedies support overall health and functioning (rather than just suppressing symptoms).

Pets respond to natural medicine in different ways. Some of our satisfied customers have reported observing immediate results in their pets while many others have reported observing optimal benefits taking effect within 3-6 weeks. To ensure your pet receives optimum results, it is important to administer natural remedies as directed and remain consistent. You may also find that giving your pet a smaller maintenance dose is beneficial for ongoing support. Many customers report using a regular maintenance dose as part of a preventative program for the continued health and well-being of their beloved animals.

How long until I see results?

Because PetCalm is 100% homeopathic, it supports the animal body on a cellular level — getting to work upon the first dose. Within a few doses, PetCalm will support your pet’s emotional health and balance of the nervous system. Continued improvement with this anxiety remedy will be seen with regular use. While some animals need only a single dose, others may require additional doses, depending on factors such as the age and size of the animal. Response times vary from animal to animal, based on physiological composition and other circumstances. While some animals begin to show an almost immediate improvement that increases over time, others will see results after 3-5 days.

How long does one bottle last

One bottle of PetCalm  will last for 15-30 days, depending on frequency of use as well as the size of your pet. Each bottle contains 50-100 doses, depending on the size of your pet.

Important Disclaimer: The stories and information on this site are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you or your pet has a medical problem, you should consult your medical doctor or veterinarian. The ideas and information on this site have not been endorsed or approved by the FDA.  In no event shall the owners of this website be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Opinions expressed here are those of individual contributors. This web site does not verify or endorse the claims of contributing writers.

The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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