
Month: November 2014

MSE – Multiple Stabilized Enzymes

MSE – Multiple Stabilized Enzymes MSE™ (Multiple Stabilized Enzymes) contains various enzymes including: protease lipase    cellulase    amylase (mainly a-amylase)    lactase    glucase  phytase  maltase (a-glucosidase Also included in MSE are numerous strains of yeast, fungi and bacteria.  In addition, multiple stabilized enzymes contain crucial vitamins and minerals, as well as detoxifiers. WHAT MSE DOES: The major advantage of using...

Tired of Vet Bills?

Tired of Vet Bills? Do you make a lot of trips to the vet’s office? Do you spend your hard Photo Credit: Ikayama via Compfight cc -earned money on vet bills because your dog suffers from chronic ailments? Give your dog or cat the nutrition he needs, and chances are you can spend...

Training Your Dog to Lay Down on Command

Training Your Dog to Lay Down on Command Training your dog to obey commands is an important part of pet ownership . When your dog is properly trained, it is much easier for you to communicate with him and this enhances your relationship. In addition to making him mind you,...

Training Your Dog to Sit

Training Your Dog to Sit A poorly trained dog is a nuisance and can even be a danger to himself and others. A properly trained dog, on the other had, is a wonderful and pleasant companion. In addition to helping you bond, it can even protect your pet from being...

Training Your Dog to Stay

Training Your Dog to Stay A properly trained dog is a joy to be around for both the owner and anyone else you happen to come in contact with.  Not only will it make for a better relationship but it can help save your pet from being hurt or worse,...

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary Incontinence If your housebroken dog starts having indoor accidents, a medical problem called urinary incontinence could be responsible. All forms of urinary incontinence should be diagnosed and treated promptly. Extended exposure to urine on the skin cause secondary complications including ulcers which are very common in dogs that are...

Urine Marking in Dogs

Urine Marking in Dogs Why do dogs engage in urine marking? Among dogs, urine marking is territorial behavior. An intact (uncastrated) male dog will instinctively mark his territory with his urine. A well-trained dog may not mark indoors in familiar surroundings, but as soon as he is moved to a new...

Use the Best Tools When Training Your Dog

Use the Best Tools When Training Your Dog Although we cannot completely humanize a dog, we can, however, have successfully trained, well educated dogs, without making machines of them. To be thoroughly convinced of the truth of this statement, you have only to attend a dog training class, where you...

Why Does My Pet Eat Grass?

Are you concerned when your dog or cat eats grass, then throws up afterwards? You’ll probably feel relieved to know that pets eat grass because their bodies need it. Dogs and cats have been eating grass for a long time. In fact, grass is so popular among dogs that one species, dog...

Your Cat’s Health

Your Cat’s Health Cats need only be provided with decent shelter, food and water and they will be quite healthy most of the time. Like any other living thing, however, they can get sick and can come down with anything from a minor cold to a major ailment. As a responsible...

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