
Posts by " deena "

How to Stop Your Cat Spraying

How to Stop Your Cat Spraying The cat backs up to the door, lifts the tail and releases a fine spray of urine. Yes, your cat is spraying. You have a problem. But one you can solve. Figures from the British Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors say that aggression in dogs...

Is Garlic Safe for Pets?

Is Garlic Safe For Pets? Garlic There is a lot of controversy surrounding pets and garlic.  Some sources believe that garlic is toxic to cats and dogs and that it should never be used in food or supplements. But garlic has been used for centuries as a medicinal aid, so can...

Is Your Pet Bored?

Bored Pet Many pets live in households where family members are away during the day.  Both parents work away from home, and the children attend school. Dogs and cats end up being home alone during the day, sometimes all day, with little to keep them occupied.  So, pets can become...

Is Pet Dental Health Really Important?

Is Pet Dental Health Really Important? Many veterinarians stress the importance of oral hygiene because tooth and gum problems are common medical conditions seen in pets. If left unchecked, an unhealthy mouth can affect the liver, kidneys, heart and even the brain. So when you lean in to give your pet...

Is Your Pet Living a Green Life?

 Tips for Helping Your Pet Live a Green Life:1)  Buy natural pet food & treats.  2)  Use chemical free, natural products to bathe and clean up after your pets. 3)   Buy biodegradable poop bags to pick up after your pet. 4)   Purchase your leash, collar, toys and beds made from recycled materials. 5)  Wipe...

Is Your Pet’s Dental Health Really Important

Is Pet Dental Health Really Important? Many veterinarians stress the importance of oral hygiene because tooth and gum problems are common medical conditions seen in pets. If left unchecked, an unhealthy mouth can affect the liver, kidneys, heart and even the brain. So when you lean in to give your pet...

Jerkey Treats and Dog Deaths

DEET and Drug Amatadine in Dog Jerky Treats The Veterinary News Network recently published a story which claims: “Chicken jerky treats consumed by dogs that became sick have been found to be tainted by the insect repellent DEET and the drug amantadine, according to a veterinary pathologist leading an independent...

Kennel Cough in Dogs

Bugsy and Fin The condition commonly known as “Kennel Cough” is one of the most prevalent infectious diseases that dogs can contract. The disease is not serious in most cases, however, and often resolves itself after one to two weeks. The accepted medical term for kennel cough is tracheobronchitis, indicating a form...

Kids and Dogs Safety Tip Sheet

Teaching children the do’s and don’ts regarding animals is among one of the most important lessons you’ll ever teach them. Animals are everywhere and though many are domesticated, this does not automatically make them safe. For example, in the US alone, 1-2 million dog bites occur annually. Today many homes are raising...

Kitty’s Body Language

Kittens communicate in a very distinct way.  Did you know that every twitch, every purr, every motion actually means something… at least to your kitten! The key to building a devoted and caring relationship between you and your kitten is understanding how kittens communicate.  Let’s discuss the primary mechanisms a...

Litter Box Strategies for Disabled Cats

Cats that are blind, partially paralyzed, have a missing limb, or very old can develop litter box problems that affect you as well as them. Owning one of these special kitties is challenging, but you can develop solutions to work around cat litter box issues. This article will touch upon some...

Litter Training Your Adopted Kitty

Here are some tips that may help with litter training an adopted kitten: Have the litter box set up before you bring your kitten home.  The box should be in a quiet place away from the eating area. When arriving home with your new kitty, show her where the litter box...

Lyme Disease in Dogs and Cats

What is Lyme Disease? Lyme Disease (not Lyme’s Disease) is caused by a spirochete called Borrelia. A spirochete is a type of bacterium. It is transmitted to dogs through the bite of a tick. Once in the blood stream, it is carried to many parts of the body. It is...

Traveling With Your Pets

Traveling With Your Pets? Are you going for a trip? Do not forget about your pets! You are responsible, forever, for what you have tamed.  No matter whether you are bringing with you a tiny white mouse or a huge toothy crocodile, that’s one of your first and important obligations to...

Our Pet’s Bones and Joints

Our Pet’s Bones and Joints In many ways, scientific study of anatomy is a celebration of the body’s ingenious architecture.  Just the mere fact that babies are born toothless for the practice of breast feeding and then sprout teeth months afterwards is a suggestion that such phenomena that occur in...

Over Weight Pets

Overweight Pets Is your cat or dog looking a bit pudgy? According to the Association for Pet Obesity, 58% of all cats and 54% of all dogs in the United States are overweight or obese. Our pets are becoming increasingly overweight, and this excess weight can cause as much damage to a...

Pectin Fiber Source

Classification of the Fiber, Pectin: Pectin, which is derived from apples and citrus fruit, is a highly soluble fiber.  In general, different fiber sources are classified by their ability to absorb water.  They range from basically insoluble (high lignin fibers such as seed hulls) to very soluble (pectin and other...

Pest Control the Frugal Way

Pest Control the Frugal Way Whether in the garden, yard or in the house, all of us have, at one time or another, had to deal with pests. Here are some ways to get rid of insects and other pests without spending a lot on expensive products. 1.   For garden pests, make...

Pet Ear Infections

Pet Ear Infections Is your dog or cat tormented by ear infections? Do you spend time and money at the veterinarian’s office trying to bring relief to your beloved pet, only to find that another infection appears over time? If so, you may want to try some more natural approaches to...

Pet Safety during the holidays

Pet Safety during the holidaysChristmas may be one of the most festive times of the year, but this holiday is one of the most dangerous times for pets. Treats, plants, and other items found in your home or yard may be irresistible to your pet, often resulting in more...

Pilling Cats

Pilling cats can be a “nightmarish” experience. Cats don’t want something pushed down their throats, and they’ll fight with all their might to prevent it.  In fact, it’s amazing how powerful their small bodies can be.  Here are some ways to make the pilling process easier and less stressful – for both...

Probiotics and Pet Health

Microflora and the Gastrointestinal Tract The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of all healthy mammals contains approximately 400 species of microflora or microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi and protozoa.  These microorganisms are acquired at birth from the mother, and later from the environment, and are necessary for the health and proper functioning...

Probiotics for Pets’ Digestion

  Does your pet have digestion problems, diarrhea, skin problems, food intolerances, or other chronic health problems? Supplement with a high quality pet probiotic to restore your pet’s healthy gut, and chances are you’ll improve your pet’s health. A probiotic, sometimes referred to as good or friendly bacteria, is a microorganism...

Punishing A Puppy - Healthy Food For Pets

Punishing a Puppy

Punishing a Puppy – How to Train a Puppy to Stop Unwanted Behaviors? I think the message I have is that we cannot ever expect a puppy to think human…therefore it is quite reasonable for us to think like a dog. A very good book on the market is called...

Puppy Housebreaking 101

Puppy Housebreaking 101 Many people are hesitant to get a new puppy out of fear of the housebreaking process. While the puppy housebreaking process can be consuming it doesn’t have to be hard if you follow the tips we have outlined for you below. Housebreaking your puppy is best started when...

Puppy Socialization

Puppy Socialization Until they reach 16 to 18 weeks of age, a puppy will be in a socialization period. This period is the most important and critical in its life. Every effort should be made to socialize your puppy; meaning to expose him or her to a variety of positive...

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