Probiotics and Pet Health
Microflora and the Gastrointestinal Tract The gastrointestinal tract (GIT) of all healthy mammals contains approximately 400 species of microflora or microorganisms, including bacteria, yeasts, fungi and protozoa. These microorganisms are acquired at birth from the mother, and later from the environment, and are necessary for the health and proper functioning...
Probiotics for Pets’ Digestion
Does your pet have digestion problems, diarrhea, skin problems, food intolerances, or other chronic health problems? Supplement with a high quality pet probiotic to restore your pet’s healthy gut, and chances are you’ll improve your pet’s health. A probiotic, sometimes referred to as good or friendly bacteria, is a microorganism...
Punishing a Puppy
Punishing a Puppy – How to Train a Puppy to Stop Unwanted Behaviors? I think the message I have is that we cannot ever expect a puppy to think human…therefore it is quite reasonable for us to think like a dog. A very good book on the market is called...
Puppy Housebreaking 101
Puppy Housebreaking 101 Many people are hesitant to get a new puppy out of fear of the housebreaking process. While the puppy housebreaking process can be consuming it doesn’t have to be hard if you follow the tips we have outlined for you below. Housebreaking your puppy is best started when...
Puppy Socialization
Puppy Socialization Until they reach 16 to 18 weeks of age, a puppy will be in a socialization period. This period is the most important and critical in its life. Every effort should be made to socialize your puppy; meaning to expose him or her to a variety of positive...
Puppy Training Tips for the First Week
Puppy Training Tips for the First Week Bringing home a puppy and introducing her to your home is very exciting for everyone. The only one who may be anxious about the situation will be the puppy. If you handle your puppy properly when she arrives, she will quickly relax and...
Seizures in Pets
Seizures in Pets Witnessing your precious dog or cat having a seizure can be a frightening experience. During seizures pets often lose control, fall over, chomp their teeth, salivate or drool, whine, paddle with their feet, and begin to urinate or defecate on themselves. Their eyes become large (dilated) and unresponsive. A pet...
Stop Cat Urine Smell by Removing Cat Litter Box Waste
Stop Cat Urine Smell By Removing Cat Litter Box Waste Cat urine smell is one of the most powerful pet odors imaginable. If you don’t scoop the cat litter box and dispose of her waste, your kitty may deposit her waste all over your home. This article gives you some advice...
Supplementing With Probiotics to Improve Pet Health
How do Probiotics Improve Pet Health? If your pet has digestion problems, diarrhea, skin problems, food intolerances, or other chronic health problems, giving a high quality pet probiotic supplement can greatly improve your pet’s health. A probiotic is a microorganism necessary for a balanced and healthy intestinal tract. Within the intestinal tracts...
The Cat that ate Montecito: Feline Obesity
The Cat that ate Montecito: Feline Obesity The doorbell rang. “Do you have a shaggy Siamese?” Basil Pussy Willow had one fatal flaw: he loved cars. Not riding in them, but hiding under them. A neighbor directed me to where my Himalayan kitten lay on the street, killed instantly by...
The Difference Between Cats and Dogs
The Difference Between Cats and Dogs Why is it so difficult to train a cat to COME or SIT – a behavior which dogs learn with ease? Your dog learns this in 5 minutes but it could take you 5 weeks or more to do the same with your cat....
The Golden Years: How to Love a Geriatric Pet
The Golden Years: How to Love a Geriatric Pet Our sweet pets. They love us unconditionally through all of our family expansions, strange hair-dos and weight gains. We’re quick to place them into the arms of strangers when we go on extended trips, arrogant in our expectations of them to behave. They move with...
The Pet Wash
Washing Pets In case you’re planning on volunteering at a shelter or even if you want to know more about shampooing your own pet, here’s some little-known information and a few tips, just for you! When animals owned or homeless are outside, they pick up all kinds of stuff in their...
The Pomeranian Dog
The Pomeranian Dog The Pomeranian is one of they toy breeds and weighs between 3 and 7 pounds (there are larger poms, and although not to the breed standard, they still make wonderful loving pets!). Intelligent and vivacious, these little dogs will steal your heart, but don’t let them get...
The Siamese Cat
The Siamese Cat This enigmatic cat originates in Siam, the place we now know as Thailand. Siamese cats were highly honored by generations of Siam’s kings—so much so that they were kept in the royal palace. Talk about the royalty of the cat world! They were trusted to protect the palace and monasteries from...
The Truth Behind Pet Food Labels
The Truth Behind Pet Food Labels If you are reading the labels on your pet’s foods, you are doing the right thing. However, labels don’t often tell the whole story. Frequently, they are superficial representations of a product. When we cruise down the pet food aisles, labels are seldom able to adequately...
They Call It Dog Breath For a Reason
Dog Breath – may be a sign of poor dental health! It’s shame that most dog owners don’t realize that dental hygiene is as important for their dogs as it is for themselves. Teeth that have been neglected are subject to several types of mouth disease just like their human...
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy – A New Solution to an Old Problem
Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy – A New Solution to an Old Problem A ruptured cranial cruciate ligament is a fairly common-and very painful-knee injury among human athletes. Dogs are also susceptible to this problem, but not because they play football. For dogs, this is a long-term progressive disease that can...
MSE – Multiple Stabilized Enzymes
MSE – Multiple Stabilized Enzymes MSE™ (Multiple Stabilized Enzymes) contains various enzymes including: protease lipase cellulase amylase (mainly a-amylase) lactase glucase phytase maltase (a-glucosidase Also included in MSE are numerous strains of yeast, fungi and bacteria. In addition, multiple stabilized enzymes contain crucial vitamins and minerals, as well as detoxifiers. WHAT MSE DOES: The major advantage of using...
Tips for Keeping Pets Warm and Healthy During the Winter
Tips for Keeping Pets Warm and Healthy During the Winter The winter months can pose a number of expected and unexpected health threats to pets, ranging from frigid temperatures to seemingly harmless salt scattered on sidewalks. Waltham, the world’s leading authority on pet care and nutrition, advised pet owners to...
Tips For Washing Our Pets
Tips for Washing Our Pets — Don’t wash your pet outside unless you’ve found a way to get warm water out there. Cold water is not as enjoyable to pets as it is to us. –Don’t use the bathtub. It can hurt your back and it’s hard for your pet to...
Tired of Vet Bills?
Tired of Vet Bills? Do you make a lot of trips to the vet’s office? Do you spend your hard Photo Credit: Ikayama via Compfight cc -earned money on vet bills because your dog suffers from chronic ailments? Give your dog or cat the nutrition he needs, and chances are you can spend...
Training Your Dog to Lay Down on Command
Training Your Dog to Lay Down on Command Training your dog to obey commands is an important part of pet ownership . When your dog is properly trained, it is much easier for you to communicate with him and this enhances your relationship. In addition to making him mind you,...
Training Your Dog to Sit
Training Your Dog to Sit A poorly trained dog is a nuisance and can even be a danger to himself and others. A properly trained dog, on the other had, is a wonderful and pleasant companion. In addition to helping you bond, it can even protect your pet from being...
Training Your Dog to Stay
Training Your Dog to Stay A properly trained dog is a joy to be around for both the owner and anyone else you happen to come in contact with. Not only will it make for a better relationship but it can help save your pet from being hurt or worse,...
Urinary Incontinence
Urinary Incontinence If your housebroken dog starts having indoor accidents, a medical problem called urinary incontinence could be responsible. All forms of urinary incontinence should be diagnosed and treated promptly. Extended exposure to urine on the skin cause secondary complications including ulcers which are very common in dogs that are...
Urine Marking in Dogs
Urine Marking in Dogs Why do dogs engage in urine marking? Among dogs, urine marking is territorial behavior. An intact (uncastrated) male dog will instinctively mark his territory with his urine. A well-trained dog may not mark indoors in familiar surroundings, but as soon as he is moved to a new...
Use the Best Tools When Training Your Dog
Use the Best Tools When Training Your Dog Although we cannot completely humanize a dog, we can, however, have successfully trained, well educated dogs, without making machines of them. To be thoroughly convinced of the truth of this statement, you have only to attend a dog training class, where you...
Why Does My Pet Eat Grass?
Are you concerned when your dog or cat eats grass, then throws up afterwards? You’ll probably feel relieved to know that pets eat grass because their bodies need it. Dogs and cats have been eating grass for a long time. In fact, grass is so popular among dogs that one species, dog...
Your Cat’s Health
Your Cat’s Health Cats need only be provided with decent shelter, food and water and they will be quite healthy most of the time. Like any other living thing, however, they can get sick and can come down with anything from a minor cold to a major ailment. As a responsible...