
Pet Articles

Caring For Your Pets After You Die

Caring For Your Pets After You Die While you may be planning to outlive your pets, what if something were to happen to you? Would Fido and Fluffy be provided for in the event of your untimely death or if you became incapacitated?  Here’s how you can insure that your...

Cat Anxiety and Cat Litter Box Problems

Cat Anxiety and Cat Litter Box Problems Frazzled felines will sometimes relieve their anxiety by urinating, or marking (spraying) outside the cat litter box. Here are a few of the causes and the solutions to calm your kitty down. Like humans, cats like their routines and daily habits. When something changes...

Cat Barriers

Cat Barriers Like dogs, letting your kitties roam in the neighborhood unattended could cause some disturbances, damages and troubles. To avoid these problems, a cat barrier is the best solution to let your kitty enjoy the great outdoors safely. Depending on what type of cat barrier you choose, you and your...

Cat Owner’s Responsibility

Cat Owner’s Responsibility When considering whether to add a cat as a new family member, you may want to first consider a cat owner’s responsibility.  A cat is not just a living ornament for your house-although it may complement it beautifully-there are many things to consider when buying a cat....

Chemicals in the Home

Chemicals in the Home Do you want your precious pet to stay healthy and live as long as possible? Many factors affect your pet’s health and life span, and one of these is exposure to toxic airborne chemicals in their environment. Get rid of harmful chemicals in your home, and...

Chronic Diarrhea in Pets

Chronic Diarrhea in Pets The premier topic for this blog is also the one most frequently asked about – chronic diarrhea. Whether the pet is a cat or a dog, at least 80% of the requests for help revolve around this issue. Chronic diarrhea is usually diagnosed as irritable bowel syndrome...

Coping with Bereavement

Coping With Bereavement When our dog dies we feel we have lost a relationship based on mutual trust, unconditional love and understanding. Our dogs understand us better than our closest human companions, they read our body language and their sense of smell lets them know whether we are ill or indeed...

CPR For Pets

CPR For Pets If you’ve ever been to a CPR class, you’re undoubtedly familiar with the basics of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. First, check to make sure the patient has a clear airway, then check to see if the patient is breathing, check whether the patient has a heartbeat and, if the patient awakens...

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture

Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture Cranial cruciate ligament rupture (CCL) is the tearing of an important ligament in the stifle joint (knee), resulting in partial or complete joint instability, pain, and lameness. Torn ligaments retract, do not heal, and cannot be repaired completely. If the injury is not treated, damage to...

Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Cats

The knee joint of the cat is one of the weakest in the body. Just as football players frequently suffer knee injuries, the cat also has knee injuries. The knee joint is relatively unstable because there is no interlocking of bones in the joint. Instead, the two main bones,...

Does Your Dog Suffer From Heartworms?

Dog heartworm is a common disease among canines in the United States. Discovered in 1856, the worms mainly live in your dog’s heart and major blood vessels. The worms, especially on worst cases, seriously impair the heart’s operations. Worse, they could also clog your dog’s blood vessels. These infections result...

Dog Health Emergencies

Dog Health Emergencies Sure, you may be a master of human First Aid. But do you know what to do in  dog health emergencies? Approaching Dog Health Emergencies: Two Steps 1. In any dog health emergency, stay calm and think. 2. Approach the dog cautiously. The dog may become aggressive because of fear...

Dog Rescue: Is it Right For You?

Dog Rescue: Is it Right For You? Ever had a hankering for a certain breed of dog? Not an obsession, mind you – not the sort of longing that would send you rushing to a breeder, thousand-dollar-bill in your sweaty palm – but just a gentle appreciation for the virtues...

Doggoned Separation Anxiety

Doggoned Separation Anxiety Dr. Jo Ann Eurell knows what it’s like to have a dog with separation anxiety.  “My son’s Lab, Mandy, had serious separation anxiety which escalated whenever we took her to strange surroundings. Mandy would work herself up salivating and drooling when we tried to leave. And she was...

Dogs & Pets Provide Health Benefits

Do dogs provide health benefits? Believe it or not they do! Did you know that owning a dog and pet ownership in general, can help a person in many ways? Owning a pet can improve your mental wellness, reduce your visits to the doctor, improve your cardiovascular health and allow for...

Essential Fatty Acids and Pets

Essential Fatty Acids and Pets Essential fatty acids (EFAs) are fundamentally important for all animals. EFAs play a major role in the maintenance of healthy coat and skin for cats, dogs, and horses. Cell membranes in the animals’ skin, fur, nails and hair are made from essential fatty acids. Like...

Flowers & Plants that can be Harmful to Cats

Cats love plants the way dogs love chocolate, which is strange because cats are mainly carnivores. However, though most animal species learn to stay away from things that make them sick, cats will eat plants over and over with the same results. Does this sound familiar, you lactose-intolerant people...

Foxtail Grass Dangerous to Dogs

If you have dogs, keep the foxtails out of your lawn! Foxtail grass is a common annual grass usually considered a weed.  It grows one to three feet tall, with branching and some spreading at ground level.  Leaf blades  are 4 to 15 inches long.   Flower heads are dense...

Fur Not Good Sunscreen

Fur Not Good Sunscreen You might think the most important bit of dog health advice would be to let your furry loved one spend all day enjoying the outdoors. But you’d only be half-right. You know we must protect our children and ourselves from the sun. But do you know that...

Genetically Modified Corn in Pet Food

Genetically Modified Corn in Pet Food Rats Fed Genetically Modified Corn – GMO Corn According to the Huffington Post, 88% of corn now grown in the U.S. is genetically modified   (GM).  Why should pet owners be concerned about this?  Well, scientists performed studies on rats, and after feeding genetically modified corn...

Hearing and Your Pet

Hearing and Your PetEver catch your cat staring at a blank wall and wonder why?More than likely she was listening to sounds coming from inside the wall. Did you know that a “whole tone” (like in music) that we can hear, a cat hears it as 10 separate tones. A cat...

How Sweet It Is

It’s that time of year when grocery stores will quadruple the amount of candy on their shelves and costume stores that struggle all year round will flourish. Soon, our young witches, warlocks and cute cadavers will roam the night in search of sweet things. So, best prepare because they...

How to Control Ants Without Poison

How to Control Ants Without Poison Ants are pests in the house.  In the home common ants aren’t harmful, but they are a nuisance. There are many natural repellants which can be used to discourage ants from kitchen counters, pantries, and other areas where food lures them in. As a first step...

How to Select the Perfect Kitty Companion

Congratulations! You’ve decided you want to adopt a kitty companion.  That’s great! Kittens are wonderful pets, providing companionship, love and affection.  That said there are some key things you should consider when adopting your first kitten. Caring For Kitty The first thing you have to acknowledge is that owning a kitty does require...

How to Stop Your Cat Spraying

How to Stop Your Cat Spraying The cat backs up to the door, lifts the tail and releases a fine spray of urine. Yes, your cat is spraying. You have a problem. But one you can solve. Figures from the British Association of Pet Behaviour Counsellors say that aggression in dogs...

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