The Ultimate Guide to Training Your Puppy with Feeding Treats
We all know how challenging it is to train our little paw friends to become good doggies. However, when training your puppy, it must be done at the right age and with the right things. Toys of all sorts may sound great, but food is the primary motivating factor when...
10 of the Friendliest Dog Breeds that Get Along with Cats
As a lot of pet owners would say, it seems to be easier to care for cats since they are more independent and less needy than dogs. Owning a cat also works best for someone who can’t invest much time into pets, but would still love a furry company. Now,...
How to Stuff & Clean a Kong Dog Toy
ARVE Error: need id and provider Learn how to stuff and clean a Kong Dog Toy. No Bored Dogs with this particular Dog Toy!KONG is the perfect toy to keep dogs occupied and out of trouble! It’s great for dogs who love to chew. Just stuff healthy treats or...
Doggoned Separation Anxiety
Doggoned Separation Anxiety Dr. Jo Ann Eurell knows what it’s like to have a dog with separation anxiety. “My son’s Lab, Mandy, had serious separation anxiety which escalated whenever we took her to strange surroundings. Mandy would work herself up salivating and drooling when we tried to leave. And she was...