What You Need To Know About Leaky Gut Syndrome in Dogs and Cats
If your dog or cat has frequent diarrhea, bloating and gas, accompanied by uncontrollable weight loss, there are a number of possible causes. When health issues occur after your pet has been treated with antibiotics, there are chances that he has developed what is referred to as leaky gut...
LumaPet Frequently Asked Questions
What is LumaPet? LumaPet is a supplement that supplies the first line of defense against everyday exposure to environmental and food-borne factors. LumaPet creates an optimal environment or ecology in your pet’s gut membrane so that good gut bacteria can flourish. Good gut flora protects your pet’s immune system and maintains...
10 Reasons to Feed Your Pet Pumpkin
It’s pumpkin season and the time of year to eat lots of delicious foods made with pumpkins! One of the great things about pumpkin is that it’s not only a tasty food; it’s quite healthy for us as well! Pumpkin provides the same health benefits for our cats and dogs, so...