How will you overcome the 3 most common dog allergies?
If you have a dog as a pet, you must shower it with all the love and care in the world. As one of the most amazing animals in the world, a dog if fed allergen free food may not develop allergies in the body at any given time. But this may not be always true. Dogs develop allergies when exposed to a variety of weather conditions, external factors and body changes. Just feeding the correct food may not be the easiest solution. Here are 3 common allergies that effect a dog at various phases in its life and tips on how to deal with each:

1. Flea Allergy Dermatitis or FAD: This is caused when the dog develops a sensitivity to flea saliva. The allergy has a possibility of recurring again and again. FAD usually occurs when the saliva causes itching on the insides of the dog’s mouth. Flea bites do not cause the infection contrary to popular perception. Many of us believe that the dog does not have fleas and itching cannot occur as a result. This can be false. If your dog has FAD, here is how to beat it:
- You should comb your dog once daily, during the pest infestation season with a flea comb. Flea ‘dirt’ or flea feces can actually be seen on a white towel.
- Try and bathe your dog often. Fleas on your dog can be removed through regular bathing. This also heals skin irritation. You should use a non-grainy, no-oatmeal shampoo that has herbal products. You should also use all-natural pest repellents such as Pet Scents Herbal Shampoo. You should also use all-natural pest repellents such as Natural Flea and Tick Defense.
- If the problem is acute then use the drug- Comfortis. It is not a topical insecticide and works fast.
2. Food Allergies: If your dog has certain food allergies, you should try and attempt to solve these not merely by administering drugs but by the following methods:
- Do not give your pet the same food for months or years. This makes allergies appear easily. Pets need diversity in food habits and chemically-single laced proteins may be unhealthy for your pet. There’s a good chance she’s developed an allergy to it. Diversity in diets is also good. Give Your Dog Non – Allergenic food such as grain-free dog food and other carbohydrates – free Food items.
- Visit a holistic vet should and feed your dog natural supplements that detoxify and provide allergy relief. These also build the immune system. Feed it a species-appropriate diet that is rich in fiber.
3. Environmental allergies: There are many outdoor allergens like grasses, ragweed, pollens, and those irritants like mold and fabrics such as wool or cotton and dust mites along with cleaning chemicals that cause troubles in a dog. There could also be seasonal problems that can recur given certain conditions. You can follow the these to cure this kind of allergy:
- Clean the indoor environment where the pet stays. Do not smoke inside the house and use nontoxic cleaners. Invest in an air purifier that controls dust mites.
- The dog’s drinking water should be of high quality and should not contain fluoride, contaminants, and pollutants. Do not over-vaccinate your dog.