How to Stop Dogs From Eating Poop
Poop eating, or “copraphagia”, is due to a lack of nutrients an dmost likely involves behavior and taste.
Every time a dog eats the poop, an owner will probably show dislike: a bad face, a yell, body language that says, “Oh, no,no,no!”, etc. This negative behavior actually reinforces the “poop eating” behavior just as much as giving positive comments/reactions to the dog’s behavior. “Yell at me!”, the dog says, since he’s getting attention.
So instead of reacting to the behavior, try this. Buy the hottest hot sauce you can find. When your dog begins to near the poop, jerk the leash so the dog is not looking at the poop. Then put the hot sauce on it.  Relax the lead and let your dog go for the poop…then, it’s all history. Your dog will learn to hate poop!