
BioAge Testimonials

BioAge Biosuperfood Testimonials

A game-changer for so many.

Some reported benefits from BioPreparation (for Pets) and Biosuperfood (for humans and large animals, such as horses, goats, etc) users:

  • Increased energy
  • Stronger immunity (not getting sick while others pass bugs around and quicker recovery with less severe symptoms)
  • Better stamina and exercise recovery
  • Appetite control
  • Reduction or complete removal of medications and other supplements
  • Remission or recovery from illness



I bought this for my 13 year old kitty who has kidney disease, auto-immune disease, and had developed diabetes. I took her off of dry food and started feeding her only a high quality canned food and I started giving BioPreparation f3 to her twice a day along with some other vitamins. I have been using it for a year and a half now and it has done wonders for her. My vet called her the miracle kitty. Her kidney numbers went down and she has been stabilized. There is no sign of the auto-immune disease and the diabetes disappeared almost immediately. Amazing. She acts like a kitten.

Having 3 cats with tons of health issues, I can’t say enough about taking them off of dry food and putting them on a good canned food product with the addition of vitamins (and BioPreparation, of course). I now have healthy cats with no more health problems except for my kitty with the kidney disease which now has been stabilized. I highly recommend BioPreparation.

My two year old standard poodle, Hubie, started to develop fatty tumors under the skin. As Hubie got older, they continued to develop and they peaked in numbers at more than ten. Giving BioPreparation over three months was enough to cause this final reduction in fatty tumors from over ten at its peak to just one small one now.


We had a cat that came to our hospital that had not eaten in 4 days. All lab tests and blood work were negative. Further examination found absolutely nothing wrong with the cat but it was still dying. I never figured out what was wrong with the cat but the owner was very thankful that BioPreparation literally saved his cat’s life.

Dr. Michael King, DVM  Canyon Animal Hospital

My Anya had IMHA or AIHA – yesterday we got excellent results with her PCV/Hematocrit back in the normal range. She is currently doing extremely well after a very rocky road at times. We have used the f2+ & f3+ capsules with great results. It only took a low dose for Anya (weight 25+ kgs / 55+ lbs) of 1/2 capsule 4 times daily to bring Anya’s red blood cells to a reasonable level. She had been down to 7% and yesterday she was at 39%!

Jeanna & Anya, U.K.

Just wanted to let you know that Abby had her semi-annual blood work done last week and the results were fantastic! She had been diagnosed with chronic renal failure (CRF), and the vet told me that she saw no evidence of kidney disease in the current blood work. She said that on paper it looked like the results of a young cat (Abby is 17). I attribute this to BioPreparation. B.K. Our Cairn Terrier was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma and had surgery to remove the cancer tumor and spleen. He was given an estimate of 2 – 4 months to live (if lucky) after surgery. He is getting BioPreparation and is enjoying life now, more than 46 months (as of September 2008) after the procedure and still doing well. He has outlived the vet’s prognosis by over 11 times. Thank you for helping Macintosh beat the cancer odds and giving him a new lease on life.


“…a revolutionary concept of cellular nutrition… From personal experience I have seen many health benefits for humans and animals.”

Dr. Michael Lemmon, DVM, cofounder, past president of AHVMA (American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association)

I’ve been on BSF F3 for 5 months. I LOVE IT. I am a full-time fitness professional and wake up feeling great every day. In my never-ending quest for the best possible health, I discovered BIOSUPERFOOD. The idea of eating real food (not laboratory chemicals) made good sense to me, so I decided to give it a try. WOW! What a surprising difference! I hadn’t expected much, to be honest. But after three weeks had passed, I was feeling more energetic and alert, with greater mental clarity and a heightened ability to retain and process information. The best part? My newfound state of calm. What can I say? From my own great experience, I must HIGHLY recommend BIOSUPERFOOD!

Kent Levin


In my gym, I now recommend BSF to clients for
nutrition and support, stamina, strength, natural
steroids and post-workout recuperation. They notice
the difference within days. As a Blood Microscopist,
I am able to look at the result in their blood after the
intake of BSF and over time. It’s clear that BSF
triggers blood cleansing and oxygenation

Todd Page, NC – Top USA Natural Bodybuilder
and Nutritionist


Since we introduced BSFin our center…it has
greatly amplified our results with our clients and our

James & Irma Pacheco, CMT, CNMT
ColorandoCenter For Physical Therapy, Denver, CO


I now use only BSF in my practice…it has greatly
simplified my work and the results with my clients
are far better than any other natural products
that I have worked with for over 15 years.

Ginette Pelletier, N.D.

In February 2003, when tested for the presence of
carotenoids antioxidants with the BioPhotonic laser
scanner, I scored 32,500 which placed me in the
top 1% of 250 people!” UPDATE: In May 2003, I
scored 46,500…and going…and going…

Dr. Roland Thomas, N.D.
Denver, CO


The best Essential Fatty Acids I’ve ever tested. An incredible ally that triggers the body’s self-healing powers…

Anne Wheeling, AC, MT
Denver, CO

F3 in support of his fitness and performance
Getting ready for my last long ride before the 24-hour race on the 13th.
The key is to stay hydrated and keep eating so you don’t go into any debt that you can’t reverse quickly.  Fruit, a few energy bars lots of drinks and my savior Super Food BIOSUPERFOOD F3 = it’s an amazing product: TRY IT.
Today’s goal as many miles as I can ride in 12 hrs.  Physical and mental exercise today.
Get out and move everyone!!!!

SUPER athlete Stephen Bugbee

Brain function has improved as well as productivity
I would like to share that since I have been taking 6 F3 BioSuperfood capsules per day every two hours for two months that I have noticed a few things.
My energy has improved.
Not getting up in the evening to urinate. Sometimes in the past depending on diet, I would wake around 3-4 am. Brain function has improved as well as productivity
My gift to my adult children and grandchildren this past year was BioSuperfood F1 and F3. They received a 3-month supply and will continue to provide to them.
Thank you for sharing your wisdom and Dr. Kiriac’s genius for creating an amazing food.


Fighting off a virus that quickly and painlessly is practically unheard of for me!
“I wanted to share with you that I believe my immune system is responding very nicely to the F3 formula. In fact, my partner has just been sick for the past week, complete with fever and chest and head congestion, as well as a few other people we know. I typically will catch EVERYTHING that everyone else has, especially if we’re under the same roof! This time around, though, I felt only the very slightest signs from my body that I was fighting something off. I took a couple of extra capsules that day, a bit more water, took it easier exercising, went to bed early, and by the next morning, VOILA! I felt fine with no further problems whatsoever! Fighting off a virus that quickly and painlessly is practically unheard of for me! I have to think that taking the F3 faithfully now at 6 capsules per day for the past 6 months does have something to do with the fact that I don’t come down sick anymore, like everybody else around me. It’s time to order another bottle of F3 — number one on my list today.
Note: In all the many animal feeding studies, there were great improvements of the immune system.


Whoa, Baby!!! My total cholesterol is down
First good news: I have been battling high cholesterol for years. On and off statins, but could not tolerate them because of muscle aches. So, for the past few years, I have been taking Cholestoff Complete (plant sterols and stanols) which lowered it by about 50 points but 50 points were not enough, so my doctor was trying to convince me to go on medication again. If you recall, I and my cats started the BIOPREPARATION at the end of August. I remained on the Cholestoff Complete and had my cholesterol tested on 7/27/20 and test results were 272 total read, LDL 161, and triglycerides 223. After being on the BIOSUPERFOOD (BSF) along with Cholestoff for only two months, I was retested on October 27, and Whoa Baby!!! My total cholesterol is 199, LDL 112 and triglycerides 145! I wasn’t even eating or exercising very well! The BSF is a big difference. My doctor and I are so happy! With the exception of LDL, I am at the high end of normal in my readings. She wants the LDL to be below 100, so I am not far off and, of course, to improve the other numbers hopefully. I cannot believe it. You guys promote a wonderful product! I am now taking four BSF at 4 capsules a day and am getting ready to place a new order.


During the first year he has not suffered from any allergies!
I understand and very much believe in approaching health from a whole – mental, spiritual, emotional, and physical approach. I also see the importance of a balanced life, a good diet, meditation, exercise, etc. I do feel that the BAC is a wonderful complement to all this. By the way, my husband has been taking BAC for the past 6 months and this is the first year he has not suffered from any allergies! He comes from a scientific/medical background (Ph.D. in immunology and toxicology and is one of the pioneers in human tissue transplantation) so it took him a while to come on board. Now he sees the merits of BAC and a healthy lifestyle.


My hemoglobin has gone up 12 points since taking the F3 microalgae
I emailed you weeks ago about a client that I had advised to take Micro Algae (f3). She has two major health conditions. One is Cmml 1 leukemia and the other one is genetic hemochromatosis (a disorder that causes the body to absorb too much iron). I just received an email from her and I wish to share it with you. It is as follows and I quote,
” I just got my blood work and my hemoglobin has gone up 12 points since taking the microalgae. It took a few weeks but that did it. Looks like I can make the 6 months and do the bio-photon in June. Thank you so much for telling me about this wonderful product.”
And I thank you for providing me with information about this wonderful product. I also take it


She felt calmer and more emotionally balanced

My 23-year-old daughter stopped taking her previous isolate supplements and started taking F3 at the beginning of January (she started with 1 capsule, 3x per day for one week and then switched to two capsules, 3x per day). After the first week, she reported that she felt “really good”, better than she had in a long time. She felt calmer and more emotionally balanced. She did not connect the dots until I asked her if she noticed any difference since taking the F3. She made no other changes to her existing diet or exercise routine. Very exciting start!


Amazing relief from PTSD
As you know, I’ve had a number of physiological challenges since returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. And with BSF, I’ve had poignant and amazing transformations very early after starting. BSF has saved my life. I believe that BAC would be the ultimate best for those truck drivers, hair salon workers, and all night workers, instead of caffeine or those energy drinks, etc.


I’ve been less fatigued already!
I’ve been diagnosed with the Epstein–Barr virus. After only three weeks on BSF, I’ve been less fatigued already! I’ve noticed, too, that my nails, which have always been weak, are much stronger now. I’m also experiencing improved immunity against colds.

Jennifer S.

Since taking BSF, I have no problems with regularity
I was having severe problems with regularity. I stopped taking the medicine because I was afraid of the side effects. Since taking the BSF, I have had absolutely no problems. Thank God.


Improved immunity
The bio-algae seems to have improved our immunity, even at a maintenance level of 1-2x a day. I’d like to increase to 3x a day for further healing.

Eve M

Lifelong nervousness and anxiety had disappeared!
My mother began taking the bio-algae for a digestive health condition that cleared up within weeks. As amazing as that was, I also noticed that her lifelong nervousness and anxiety had disappeared!

Jen S

BSF help me battle lymphoma.
My name is Tom I live in Windsor County Vermont. In January 2004, I was introduced to BSF on a trip to Colorado. Upon taking the product I immediately felt the positive effects, Most notable was the increased energy levels.
After returning to Vermont I went on with my life and never ordered them probably due to the cost. I met my wife in 2006 and in February of 2012 I found myself diagnosed with an aggressive form of stage 4 lymphoma. at the time of diagnosis, I was very sick, weak, unable to walk any distance without being exhausted. I was barely able to carry my two-year-old up the stairs and keeping my eyes open was a challenge.
Although the diagnosis was never terminal, the road to recovery would require quite a bit of chemotherapy over the course of six months. I entered a research study at dhmc and was treated with 2 rounds of ABVD and 6 of EBEOCOPP.
I was told the escalated regime was very hard on the bone marrow, finishing on time was unlikely, and inpatient treatment was recommended for week one of the 3-week cycle.
The first thing I did after I was told I had cancer was to go online and order BSF, my first order arrived the day of my biopsy.
As I went through my treatments my strength, stamina, and overall health continued to improve. Although I continued to lose weight during treatment and I did eventually lose my hair, I walked long distances every day. I had very few side effects from the chemotherapy, and finished all treatments completely and on time. I would stay overnight from day 1 to day 2 but not the full week.
I was cleared to go BSFk to work full-time the day after my cycle ended. I went for a final blood test on Monday morning, my platelets and white blood cells were recovering and out of the danger zone and returned to work that afternoon.
I work outside in the utility industry, and year after year since taking BSF I have been the top overtime worker in the state. other than 3 missed work days in 2013 with a norovirus I have not had any missed work days due to illness.
My whole family takes BSF daily and it is the single most important item in our family budget. If I ever cannot afford my home and Biosuperfood I will sell my home and find a less expensive place to live. That is how strongly I believe in this product. My advice to you is not to wait till you are sick to invest in your family’s health, good health is priceless!
Thank you, BSF!
I agree 100% that we get healthier by taking your PRODUCT


Surprised to discover she was pregnant (fertility)
I would like to thank you for a miracle in my life.
My younger daughter (36 yrs) and her partner weren’t able to conceive for the last 3 years. It was very difficult to convince them to take BSF, but after 3 months on F2, they were surprised to discover she was pregnant. On July 26th of this year, Sasha A. was born. (Mom continued on F2 and still continues to take it while nursing.) Needless to say, Sasha is very bright and at two months, very communicative. We are all delighted and thank you all very much for your creations and dedication.
With Love and Blessings, Valentina, USA
Fighting off a virus that quickly and painlessly is practically unheard of for me!
We met briefly at the conference in Colorado this past August. I wanted to share with you that I believe my immune system is responding very nicely to the BSF F3 formula (history of breast cancer) since beginning to take it BSFk in April of this year. In fact, my partner has just been sick for the past week, complete with fever and chest and head congestion, as well as a few other people we know. I typically will catch EVERYTHING that everyone else has, especially if we’re under the same roof! This time around, though, I felt only the very slightest signs from my body that I was fighting something off, a bit of increased mucous drip in the BSFk of my throat occasionally, not excessive, just sort of “there” and making itself known. I took a couple of extra BSF capsules that day, a bit more water, took it easier exercising, went to bed early, and by the next morning, VOILA! I felt fine with no further problems whatsoever! It never developed into anything more than what I just described!
Fighting off a virus that quickly and painlessly is practically unheard of for me! I have to think that taking the F3 faithfully now at 6 capsules per day for the past 6 months does have something to do with it.
I will close here as I need to get BSFk to work but was just so happy that I didn’t come down with what everybody else was getting this past week that I had to share the good news.
It’s time to order another bottle of BSF, and that’s #1 on the to-do list today! Best,


ALS (Lou Gehrig) Survivor
I am benefiting tremendously already from your product. During the night I took two doses of 3 capsules of BSF and felt more rested and balanced and did two additional doses of 3 capsules today and I have such a good feeling about it. BSF is remarkable and I have high hopes for the coming months! I have so much work.
I had a film crew coming Monday and my speech and energy on Friday were terrible. I had a good feeling from the BSF, and I decided to attempt two capsules three times daily to see if it could save the day of 12 hours of filming because the documentary could change my life. I developed remarkable energy by the end of the night and
felt the best I have in many months. I continued to do the same thing the next two days, and my energy and speaking were no doubt at a level that was due to BSF. I feel the happiest I have in nine months. I am not attributing all the happiness, but the BSF helped make it physically possible.
My breathing is better and so is my mood. I am deepening my clarity and peace. I am getting deeper sleep. My morning caregiver says my torso looks thicker and my standing has been stronger.

Craig Oster

Off Armourthyroid – completely medicine free
“ I wanted to share my story beyond my family and friends, so more people would know about how amazing the bio-super-food is!
After a relative of mine had unbelievable results with his serious blood disorder, I had to find out more about the f3. I was glad to learn that it could help me with my hypothyroid, digestive issues, hormones, etc… and also be used as a “multivitamin” for my husband and kids. Within one week my digestive issues were gone, which made me even more confident that I could actually get off my thyroid medication (I was taking Armourthyroid, one grain daily). I gradually decreased the Armourthyroid until I was completely medicine-free, and have been for over a year now!
I am forever grateful for restoring my health and for completely eliminating our family’s need for a pantry full of different vitamin bottles. I am now feeling better than ever, and my recent blood/urine tests confirmed it again with their perfect results. My husband and kids are also enjoying optimal health these days. My son’s acid reflux is gone and all our immune systems seem to have benefited tremendously: we never get sick anymore!
Thank you again so so so much, for there is no greater asset than good health. ”


300% increase in energy and clarity
I was sick and tired of being sick and tired caused by the toxins and low nutrient value of our present food supply. I realized a 300% increase in energy and clarity as every cell in my body was finally receiving the nutrition it required with the BSF formulas F1, F2, and F3. Thanks again.

Dr Benoit G. Bastien

Improved my memory recall
BSF has improved my memory recall. When I took anatomy and physiology, I scored a perfect score in 6 out of 8 tests. Memory recall was instant and almost photographic, I never had that great of a memory, especially for such an intense class.

James H


I still can’t believe what it does for recovery after intense physical exertion
As you know, I’ve been committed to the product for such a long time now … since Diane first introduced it to me when my dog Gerry was suffering from liver cancer. The product gave us more than two additional years with him, and his quality of life improved so much. F3 became invaluable to me in my athletic undertakings, too, as you are familiar with. I still can’t believe what it does for recovery after intense physical exertion.

Andrea L.

Cancer Survivor, 15 years later still alive with the support of BSF
At the time, I was home in the Republic of Moldova, and my children’s pediatrician had recommended BSF to me. She had visited Canada years earlier and had discovered BSF for her mother ( her mother has cancer ). She had brought some BSF home, gave it to the laboratory ( to a friend, a professor who studied algae ) and they confirmed how good the BSF algae is. BSF then, the doctors had told her mother that she had 4 years maximum to live. Now 15 years later with the help of BSF, she is still alive.

Jelena Druca

No headache, no sinusitis aches, except this really happy SMILE
My order was received yesterday and very timely too, as I went down with a high fever, sore throat and flu aches and some sinusitis that I must have picked up while gardening on Sunday. Having recently worked up to 4 capsules a day of F2, and feeling pretty grim, I popped the just-received bottle of f3 and took just one capsule, and went to bed.
This morning well, I am in amazement at the freedom from ALL symptoms. No headache, no sinusitis aches, nothing, except this really happy SMILE. My next e-mail will be cc’d to all my contacts saying “Get BSFs, we all needed them yesterday!” And all this in just ONE WEEK. I can now look forward to health and life again at 65! All is just so naturally falling into place physically. I love my fresh attitude, having almost given up on myself. Amazed delighted, resurrected!
In occult terminology, the Hypothalamus is known as the “Dweller at the threshold or guardian at the door” and plays a vital role in our consciousness, and when dysfunctional, lack of. Indeed as an aware observer for over sixty years, I can say this product can help make a paradigm shift, and Dr. Kiriac should be nominated for Nobel Prize for service to humanity. I feel certain you have that same superfood smile, and isn’t it wonderful that all can have better lives from this cellular nutrition? I really love my smile, it is such a gift for me after years of stress and physical overextension.
Thank you and bless you

Shavante Derek Hasdell aka Sha

She is 84 and the trembling in her voice went away!
Hi, I wanted to let you know about the great results my mother is having with the BSF F3. She is 84 and her voice has been trembling for a few years now, her head bobbing and she was starting to get very confused or angry about things she used to know how to do. She started taking one pill a day of F3 and stopped because she told me “they are very strong!” … a little more probing and I realized she was getting detox diarrhea from it. So upon your suggestion, I opened the capsules and prepared a 14 days supply of 1/2 capsule of F3 for her to take. She started taking those and continued on (with a little fear on her part) to take a full capsule a day. Lo and behold, the trembling in her voice went away! She is also in an overall better mood and is not getting confused anymore. I have had to explain to her that she is still way below the recommended minimum dosage and that it would be a good idea to increase the dosage. It’s been a slow process of lots of hints, suggestions and explanations so that she would understand why it would be a good idea! She is now realizing that she just might get her head shaking to stop (she doesn’t like to be like an old lady), have more energy and vitality, lose weight… I’ve had to explain to her that if you don’t change the oil in a car, it will soon stop running. Since we both know she won’t do any cleanses, taking the F3 pills is the next best option as it helps her body detoxify. I am finally getting through to her and now her latest was that she didn’t want to use too many for fear of running out… so I just bought a year’s supply! Besides, I wouldn’t want to run out myself, as I’ve had a lifelong history of depression, despite all the diet changes and emotional work I’ve done on myself. Depression and bipolar affect pretty much every member of my family. Taking the F3 is an easy way to feed my brain directly and keep it functioning. Thank you for a great product! With much love and gratitude,


My entire family loves it!
I have been in fair health most of my life. I would get sick maybe once or twice a year and it was never long-lasting. After I had my first child my immune system changed. For the first year post-partum I was sick literally 1-2 times a month. My baby was fine and so was my husband but I always felt awful. It was a state of health I had never experienced before and I was eager to find a remedy. At first I started to use multi-vitamins and different kinds of supplements which made a difference. Then I discovered bio-algae concentrates through a local holistic nutritionist. Boy, am I ever grateful for that! Long story short. My entire family loves it! From my skeptical husband to my 2 small children who are now 2 and 4. There is a substantial difference between the times we are taking it regularly to when we are not. The body functions better when the right food is available for it. We experience less sickness, more clarity of mind, and better digestion to give a few examples.



It’s a whole new world
At age 67, after not exercising for years, I went to the fitness center and proceeded to work out as if I was 35 years younger and fit.
Within in the same day, my body started to react with the soreness one feels after a session of new muscle growth only this was totally body debilitating. I could barely get out of bed let alone function. I had to take ibuprofen (ugh) to function. For reasons I don’t remember I had been off of supplements, and I had recently become aware of the bio-algae concentrates and had purchased some. I immediately started taking some. This started to relieve the symptoms gradually but effectively, and this has become my main complement.
It’s a whole new world.


Keeps me from getting sick when traveling
I tour around the world often and it takes a toll on my body. I use BSF to help boost my energy and keep me from getting sick. Will be using it for a very long time!

David Choi


Helps curb my hunger and…
I originally got interested in your product BSF as a supplement for my two small dogs. Since then, I have started taking BSF for myself. What I’ve noticed most since taking it is that it helps to curb my hunger and better mental clarity. I think it also somewhat helps with my pain, mostly from arthritis and TMJ. I was taking 3 or 4 per day but cut BSFk to 2 usually because of cost. I also switched from F3 to F2 to save money.

Joan Cromer,

Recovery of Guillain Barre Syndrome
” It was Easter weekend 2010 when several of my friends I got together for a daylong hiking excursion. As usual between some of us, a little competition takes over. The youngest in the group decides to take of running to get a good head start on us. I pursued him. In doing so I tripped over a root and landed on my ribs against a root. I cracked the two lowest ribs on my left side. I did finish the hike/race in great pain.
About 10 days later I developed a very short cold. It lasted at best 3 days and was over. That is common for me. Approximately 2 weeks later I started developing weird stinging sensations in my legs and abdomen. It was just like getting stung by a bee but no whelp or redness just crazy pain. At about the same time I develop increasing BSFk pain directly center between both scapulae. It was about a 6-inch square. The pain became so bad I would just rock BSFk and forth. It felt like someone holding dry ice in the center of my BSF. I also had numbness in my feet and hands and greatly reduced energy and strength in my hands and legs. My ability to work out became very difficult. I knew when I had trouble climbing stairs I was in trouble.
All these symptoms began within a week of each other. I went to see an orthopedist because I thought it had to be spinal damage. Deep in my knowledge I had thoughts of GBS but suppressed them. I just didn’t want to even consider that nightmare. The orthopedist did an MRI and said no BSFk damage but was highly specious that it was GBS. The following day I had a 9:00 PM appointment with a neurologist. After hours of testing, he was 99% positive I had GBS. He said the positive news was I could breathe and could still get around although I was losing strength every day. He explained that most of the damage happened in the first 4 weeks and I was about 3 weeks into the attack from his calculations.
The next day my blood pressure plummeted and my heart rate became unstable. It was attacking my autonomic system, which controls my pulse rate and blood pressure. I was admitted to the ICU and spent 4 days there. I was given 5 rounds of IVIG treatments which seemed to help slow the attack on my autonomic system. It took several months for my heart rate and pulse to retune to normal. I would have spells where it would go a little crazy but then stabilize. As time went on the frequency of the intervals grew further apart.
I spent 8 days in the hospital. By the time I left, I could no longer walk or use my hands and fingers. The paralysis had worked its way up to my diaphragm and stopped before attacking it. I could feel it tightening but not so much that I could not breathe fully. The sensation was like a tight belt around my lower ribs. Now it’s a waiting game to see how long the body is going to wait to begin repairing the damage. GBS is totally different for each person and the repair response can be shorter or longer.
I wasn’t going to wait on my body to decide when it was going to heal. I knew I had to do two things to make my body speed up the process. I had to push my body to heal. Our body responds to the stresses we put on it. Our body adapts to the stresses of physical activity by increasing our fitness to meet the demand we have been creating. To heal my nerves I knew I had to push firing them to get the body to recognize they were not working so it would see a need to fix them. This was difficult and painful. I also knew I had to nurture my body with the best nutrients I could get to push my body to rebuild and repair the damage. This process worked.
I was already using BSF F2 for daily maintenance. At the forefront of my recovery was BSF F3. It would help my body see the damage and provide nutrients vital for the brain and central nervous system (CNS) to begin to repair the damage to the myelin sheath. BSF is rich in thousands of different nutrient compounds necessary for nervous system health including essential sugars (glycoproteins), fatty acids, powerful antioxidants, and B Vitamins necessary for the healing process. BSF also repairs DNA/RNA, cellular wall membranes, and much more. I slowly worked up to taking 12 per day.
I ate a very clean diet absent of inflammatory toxic chemicals but high in nutrient and antioxidant value. F3 woke up the glands in my body necessary to direct the healing process. F3 was like the Conductor leading a very complex orchestra of hormones, enzymes, immune compounds, and nutrients building, and repairing my peripheral nervous system. It was amazing. I know my recovery would have been much slower and not as complete without F3.
I was BSFk to walking without support within 5 months. My neurologist was very impressed with my progress. It took me 3 years to get to about 80 to 90 percent recovery. Today I am 99% healed and a very active and healthy man. I regularly bicycle 100+ miles weekly. I have no health issues and I am on no medications of any kind. I have minor residual tingling in my hands and feet and was left with some slight trembling in my hands. I consider myself blessed.
Thank you Roland for your guidance during this very difficult time. After all of the many consultations, we have had together regarding our clients, I never dreamed we would be applying our strategies to me. “

W.B. C.N.C.,

HIV – CD4 count, higher than it had ever been
BSFk in 2004, I became seriously ill. It started with flu like symptoms, fever, nausea, night sweats, and severe headaches. After a week of these symptoms, I wasn’t able to eat solid food, I wasn’t able to leave my apartment, or barely get out of bed.
I discovered about three weeks later that my body was actually trying to fight the H.I.V. virus and that I had become H.I.V. positive. I went through an initial period of depression and anxiety. After about six months of feeling like my life was over, I decided to change my attitude and my outlook. I began doing online research into different ways I could help my body fight the virus and maintain overall health to the best of my ability and means. The simple, and often inexpensive changes I began to make were things like drinking lots of clean water, getting outside to get sunshine and fresh air, sleeping well, clearing out my emotional baggage and bad attitudes, exercising, making healthy human connections, and becoming consciously aware of everything I was putting into my body. I began buying organic foods and products when I could afford to and bought myself a juicer and began juicing lots of fruits and vegetables.
Fast forward to 2007. I then began to narrow down my search for one or two supplements I could add to my life to optimize my health, help my body fight the virus, and something that would not interact negatively with my antiretroviral medications which I occasionally went on as directed by my doctor. After a lot of trial and error, a friend of mine suggested microalgae as a great way to help my body on many different levels. I discovered that there were many options and products, but of course, being the person that I am, I wanted the most effective, strongest, purest product I could find. This led me to a discussion with one of the staff at SimplyRaw Express who explained some of the science and history behind the F3 product. I did a bit of online research and the person I talked to also gave me a DVD to watch that explained what the product was all about. I decided that this was the product that would really help my body, and I was right. Within the first three weeks of taking F3, there were already noticeable changes taking place. Up to that time, I had very puffy eyes with dark circles underneath my eyes. The puffiness and the dark circles cleared up and people started telling me that my eyes looked so blue that they thought I was wearing colored contact lenses. I believe a lot of the puffiness and dark circles around my eyes were symptoms of toxicity built up in my system from taking H.I.V. meds over the years. The medication can really help suppress the H.I.V. virus, but often put a huge strain on other major organs due to toxicity. After about a month of taking F3, I also noticed that my overall energy level was much higher. I didn’t feel the need to take afternoon naps. I didn’t feel lethargic while going through my day. I also noticed that there were positive mood and brain function changes while on F3. I felt my stress level go down, and an overall feeling of optimism started to establish in my outlook on life. I often had a general brain fog hanging over me while on H.I.V. meds. This brain fog cleared up altogether while I was on F3. I was able to think clearly, multitask, and concentrate with much more ease. One very real confirmation came when I went for my blood work results after taking f3 for a couple of months. My doctor told me that my immune system, they call it my CD4 count, was higher than it had ever been, and that my liver was extremely healthy as well.
From 2007 until now, I have purchased F3 pills whenever I could, knowing that I was investing in my health. I’ve recommended the product to many people and encouraged them to do their own research into the product. I believe that the planet we live on has many wonderful and powerful ways of helping us, helping our bodies, to live in optimal health. I really feel that the BSF products are a part of that vital connection between humans and our home planet. I don’t think I stumbled onto this product accidentally. I would place that discovery under “seek and ye shall find”. I was seeking a powerful way to improve my health and I found it.

Jeffrey C.

Osteoporosis – building new bone!
” I have great success with this product, and I reorder due to clients’ requests.
This lady was taking the product to help rebuild bone density, and couldn’t believe that an “all-encompassing” product (rather than a specific calcium /bone-oriented product) would make a difference. She has been on it for 1.5 years after having a very bad bone density result 2 years ago. She just came back from a bone density scan and found that not only had she rebuilt all she had lost, but was ahead of the game in building new bone. She was ecstatic. We had already muscle-tested the new replacement product and knew it was biocompatible for her, but she decided not to change to that product due to the good test results. Why mess with results? So I had to reorder and I am so glad I did.”

Esther S,

In November 2007 my husband was experiencing increasing pain in his neck and head. It is a pain he’s had before but on a much smaller level and very infrequently.
We had many doctor visits and even hospitalized him for a couple of nights with continued testing. When a surgical neurologist finally examined all the MRI/ct scans, he determined the pain was caused by arthritis along his cervical spine and said it was not at all caused by the herniated cervical disc as others had believed may be the cause.
With no solution but prescription pain medication and “neck exercises”, neither of which were helping, he began using BAC F2 and F3 gradually increasing dosage; starting January 2008. Just 10 days into using the products, we realized he had gone several days with no debilitating pain. This was a huge relief for him and me because it “hurt” me to see him in such terrible pain and unable to work and function normally every day.
I STRONGLY recommend this product to anyone suffering severe arthritis pains – clearly, it works wonders.

L. Gordon


Important Disclaimer: The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. Website owners will not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.

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