
Essiac Tea for Pets

Essiac Tea Four Herbs for Cancer Support

Essiac Tea – 4 Herb Formula

Essiac Tea provides amazing benefits and effects by helping to strengthen the body in a holistic way.

Essiac is the name of a Canadian nurse, Rene CAISSE, spelled backwards.

Rene Caisse first discovered this amazing herbal formula in 1922 when one of the patients in the hospital where she worked was cured of cancer. The patient had received the four herb preparation from an Ojibway herbalist.

Caisse began to experiment with the 4-HERB formula and found it to be very effective in helping many ailments, including cancer.  So startling were her results that the Ontario government of Canada became involved. By 1938, Essiac came within three votes of being legalized by the Ontario government as a treatment for terminal cancer patients.  Unfortunately, her work was destroyed, and it took years to again surface.

The manufacturer of this organic 4-Herb Formula, Herbal Healer Academy, began researching the tea and found that many of nurse Caisse’s claims were true. This tea is a nutritional supplement and is not recommended as the sole treatment for any ailment, especially life threatening ones.  But this tea has been found helpful when used in conjunction with conventional medicine protocols.

Herbal Healer Academy Organic 4-Herb Essiac Tea contains the freshest quality of organic and potent herbs (in their correct proportions as formulated by Renee Cassie!).

4 Herbs include:

*Burdock Root
*Slippery Elm Powder
*Turkey Rhubarb
*Sheep Sorrel

Click here to order Essiac Tea – 4 Herb Formula

Our Own Experience When Giving Essiac Tea to Our Dog:

We had miraculous results with Essiac Tea when our dog, Moe was diagnosed with a terminal cancer tumor on his neck..  It was the area on the back of his neck where we had applied the chemical spot on flea treatments for years!   Although we can’t prove that his tumor was caused by the chemical flea treatments, it seemed logical.  The experience lead to much research into the harmful effects of neurotoxins, the chemicals in these products that can damage and destroy nerves and the nervous system.   It’s interesting how things work out because while doing the research, a friend contacted us and told us about a healthy alternative to the chemical flea products.  The product, Flea Free, is a healthy liquid that you add to your pet’s food and/or water, and we have been using it ever since to control fleas.

When Moe was diagnosed with cancer, he was given three weeks to live.  After two weeks, he could barely lift his head, and we made an appointment to euthanize.  But after a friend told us about the Essiac tea herbs, we had them overnighted, made the tea, and began giving the tea to him.  The results were amazing.  With each dose, he became increasingly better and was ultimately able to run again and enjoy life.  All our friends who had seen him when he could not even stand called him the ‘Miracle Dog.’

Essiac Tea Benefits and Amazing Effects:

  • Helps to strengthen the entire body in a holistic way.  People all over the world use the tea for various health issues, such as cancer, diabetes, A.I.D.S., asthma, hepatitis C, arthritis, fatigue, etc.   Many drink it to maintain their general health and prevent illness.
  • Essiac Tea helps to eradicate the illness instead of just covering it up (contrary to most prescription medications).
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Helps to neutralize toxins in the blood. By stimulating liver secretions, it assists the liver to eliminate toxins.  The nutrients found in Burdock Root (Chromium, Iron, Magnesium, Silicon, Thiamine, Niacin, Riboflavin, Vitamins A and C, etc.) strengthen the liver and other vital organs.
  • Prevents the buildup of excess fatty deposits along artery walls and within major organs such as the heart, kidneys and liver.
  • Destroys and eliminates parasites throughout the entire body,  especially important for the digestive tract and colon.
  • Improves the overall strength of muscles, organs and tissues.
  • Renders toxic substances harmless so that they can then be expelled by the body.
  • Counteracts the effects of aluminum, lead and mercury poisoning – which has important implications for cancer.
  • Sugar and fat are converted into energy which stabilizes cholesterol levels.
  • Protects the brain against harmful toxins.
  • Strengthens bones, joints, ligaments, lungs, and membranes, making them more flexible, and less vulnerable to stress or stress injuries.
  • Leads to a healthier nervous system and brain by nourishing and stimulating them.
  • Purifies the blood.
  • Assists in the absorption of fluids in the tissues.
  • Toxic accumulations in the bowel, fat, lymph, bone marrow, bladder, and alimentary canals are eliminated.
  • Increases red cell production, and strengthens the cells.
  • Fatty toxins exit through the kidneys after being converted to water-soluble substances. Since this lessons the amount of work required by the liver (not having to detoxify as much), it helps those with liver problems in particular.
  • Opens the respiratory system by dissolving and expelling mucus.
  • Helps the liver to produce lecithin, which forms part of the myelin sheath, a white fatty material that encloses nerve fibers.
  • The body can better utilize oxygen since oxygen levels are raised in tissue cells.
  • Reduces inflammation and stiffness by reducing heavy metal deposits in tissues, especially tissues surrounding the joints).
  • Improves the functions of the pancreas and spleen by increasing the effectiveness of insulin.
  • Converts calcium and potassium oxalates into a harmless form by making them solvent in the urine. Regulates the amount of oxalic acid delivered to the kidneys.
  • Maintains the balance between potassium and sodium within the body so that the fluid inside and outside each cell is regulated.  Cells are then cleansed and nourished with nutrients.
  • Alleviates pain and soothes irritations and inflammations.
  • Protects the body against radiation.
  • Decreases sugar cravings due to improved blood sugar control.
  • Speeds up wound healing by regenerating the damaged area.
  • Helps to inhibit benign growths and tumors.
  • Increases the production of antibodies like lymphocytes and T-cells in the thymus gland, (the immune system’s defender).
  • Protects cells against free radicals.
  • Increases the appetite.
  • Increases energy, especially important to those who are sick.

Click here to order Essiac Tea – 4 Herb Formula

Essiac Tea Usage Guidelines

Dosage Guide for Humans:

2 oz. 4-Herb Essiac Tea mixed with 2 oz. hot water.*

Dosage Guide for Animals:

4-Herb Tea is safe for pets and can be taken in combination with chemotherapy. Dose should be scaled down by weight.

15 to 40lbs (7 – 18kg) – 1/2 oz. of tea mixed with 1/2 oz. hot water.*
40 – 80lbs (18 – 36kg) – 1 oz. of tea mixed with 1 oz. hot water.*
Over 80lbs* – 2 oz. of tea mixed with 2 oz. hot water.*

*Once a day for gentle detoxification and maintenance.
*Twice a day for chronic ailments
*3-4 times daily for cancer and serious ailments.

Keep in mind that one of the herbs, rhubarb, can have a laxative effect.  So the larger dose of essiac must be balanced against the amount that can be taken without causing diarrhea.  If your pet has diarrhea after drinking the essiac tea, cut back on the amount you’re giving until stools are normal.  Then you can slowly increase the amount of tea you give.  Or you can start off by giving less than the recommended amount and slowly increase the amount until you are giving the full recommended dosage.

For better absorption, Essiac Tea should be taken on an empty stomach. Then wait 10-20 minutes before eating.

In proper does, Essiac Tea is non-toxic. But these herbs do stimulate the body to release toxins (which is a very positive and necessary thing!).  So it is important that humans and pets drink plenty of clean spring water and have regular bowel movements.

Instructions are included, and 4-Herb Essiac Tea is to be made up fresh. One package makes 2 gallons, but you can make 1 gallon at a time by splitting the herbs.

Preparation of the Tea

Supplies Needed:

Stainless Steel or enamel canning pot with lid. Never use aluminum.

Another large pot to pour hot liquid into while you strain it.
(This can be Pyrex, stainless steel.)

*Mesh strainer (simple kitchen one is fine)



Amber glass bottles (32 ounce) in which to store your finished product. They need to be amber because the formula is light sensitive and will not stay as potent. You can use clear jars, but put them in a brown paper bag or wrap in aluminum foil to keep the light off of the formula.

Procedure to Make Your Tea

To make two gallons – Mix the four herbs together  (approximately 1 cup).  You may cut the recipe in half if you wish, but we do recommend that you halve each package of herbs first, then mix them together. Just flatten the bags out and cut down the middle to get half. The reason for this is that the powdered herbs, such as the Turkey Rhubarb fall to the bottom and your recipe will not be evenly divided if you don’t split them first.

Full recipe – Bring two gallons of water to a boil. If using only half of the herbs, bring 1 gallon of water to a boil. Stir in herbs, replace lid and boil for 10 minutes.

Turn off stove, scrape down sides, mix well and allow pot to sit and remain closed for 12 hours. (This is the steeping and extraction process.)

Reheat to almost boiling, about 10 minutes. Let cool just a little and begin straining process. Strain as many times as you like. A little herb left in the liquid will not hurt it in any way. Reheat your liquid once again. 2 – 3 minutes only. This will kill any bacteria that may have landed in your liquid and help keep it from spoiling.

Using a funnel or a glass measuring cup, put your hot liquid into preheated bottles. You can heat the bottles in the oven – 200 degrees – 5 or 10 minutes. Do not put caps in oven!

Cap, let cool and then put in the refrigerator. This will be good for two weeks. Label the day you made it and the day it expires. If you have some left over after two weeks, re-boil it. This will sterilize it and not harm the formula. Discard any re-heated tea after 2 weeks and make a new batch.

It is best to use a glass or an enamel canning pot with lid when preparing the Essiac Tea.

Do NOT use aluminium!

NEVER heat in a microwave!

Essiac Tea Testimonials:

Nov 2015
Sludge Testimonial:

I have a wonderful success story to share: 2 years ago, our 9 year old Rottweiler had a bulbous tumor start to grow rapidly on her side. It was about the size of a large grape when I started treatment: I shaved the area and packed it with sludge. Eventually it flattened and just became a flaccid flap that remains today. Then, again year later, she had the same type of smooth, tight skinned tumor start over her right eye. This area was hard to treat, because I couldn’t shave it or bandage it, so every night, I would dip cotton balls in tea, and hold the cotton on the tumor. She is such a sweetheart, she knew I was trying to help and held still and tolerated all the tea running down her face. It did not take more than a month when, instead of being a tight skinned growth, it started to shrivel and was hanging like a raisin over her eye. Irritated with it,she rubbed that right off. Now, you would never know it was ever there. Overall, we have an 11 1/2 year old Rottweiler who is healthy and has less gray hair than either of us!


Multiple Myeloma Helped
June 2015

A 40 year-old man was diagnosed of multiple myeloma a few months ago at one of our country’s teaching hospitals. After just the first dose of chemotherapy his body reacted so violently that he nearly died. When he recovered just enough to manage to walk he discharged himself from the hospital. His wife said he was so sick that she feared if he was going to survive while out of the hospital, but the experience of what happened after the chemo was so frightening that they never thought going back to the hospital. In her desperation and search for alternative therapy she was referred to us. We placed him on the 4-herb tea and a few other herbs. And just after being on the products for 10 days the man was asking me if he could return to work so he can earn a living to pay for the products. The effect of the tea was dramatic to say the least.


4-Herb Tea Helps Large Tumor in Dog
Jan. 2015
Hi. Just wanted to praise the four herb tea I purchased for my 12 yr old dog with a tumor larger than a grapefruit. She s been on the tea for three weeks now and the tumor is getting softer and smaller. I am so grateful I don’t know how to express my feelings. I have spent so much money on holistic meds and nothing helped. Can you tell me how long it normally takes before it shrinks to almost nothing. Believe me I am so happy just with the results in 3 weeks and I will spread this to everyone I know that loves their animals and also family. Thank you and I will be ordering more.

Dog With Lymphatic Cancer
Aug. 14th
7 year old Weimaraner dog diagnosed with lymphatic cancer. I began him on the same dosage of Essiac tea I had used for my fathers pancreatic cancer many years ago. After brewing the tea I save the sludge. Everyday I give him 2oz. of tea mixed in his dry food, morning and evening. I also mix 1 tbl. tea sludge with organic peanut butter. He loves this stuff and eats it right from the spoon. Every trip to the University of Missouri Veterinary Medical Center they cannot believe how his cancer numbers drop each week. After 2 weeks they were in the normal range. His lymph nodes have shrunk to normal size. He was supposed to be dead within 2-3 weeks. Its been 6 months and he acts like a young dog. I also brew in red clover when I make the tea.
P.S. I gave dad 8oz. 3x daily, pancreatic cancer mass (size of a large grapefruit) disappeared and he lived another 16 years cancer free. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


March 2014
Lumps on Thyroid Get Smaller

My daughter, Crystal, 28 yr old mother of two, had two lumps on her thyroid. I started her on the Essiac tea, and a lot of prayer and positive thinking. A month later she went in for a biopsy, The lab tech decided to do another ultrasound before the painful procedure, and said “there must have been a mistake, because both the lumps had got significantly smaller since the first ultrasound, so she didn’t even have to have a biopsy, and doesn’t even have to go back for 6 months.

Esophageal Cancer
March 2014


Amazing Testimonial
March 2014
I know I wouldn’t be able to walk if it weren’t for the Essiac tea. I had numbness, icy hot pain needles, and stabbing in my thigh, hip and lower back. It was excruciating to stand at the counter to prepare meals, let alone walk a block. It is virtually all gone after being on the tea, even going off the tea for a couple days makes the area on my thigh that goes numb a little larger. I can sleep on my side with no increase of numbness and pain, and can walk upon waking after. Thank you soo much.

12 Years Since Breast Cancer Diagnosis
March 2014
It’s been awhile since I’ve written to thank you for my life. It will be twelve years this summer they gave me the grim news of breast cancer that spread to the lymph nodes. My son who was only 2 when I wrote you in hysterics all those years ago is going on 15 now and He is handsome, strong, happy and loves his mama!LOL I still drink that precious 4 herb tea twice a day along with several other supplements….any every time I pour it into my cup I think of you and thank Almighty God for his healing herbs and everything good in my life. Hope you feel the love coming your way.

Doing Great On 4-Herb Tea
Oct. 2013
My name is Lisa and my report is on my step father he was given 2 months to live back in September of 2012 they took him off of Chemo as hopeless. My friend told me about your tea and I ordered it for my mom. He started taking it. He has been on it ever since and the transformation is unbelievable. I would share the pictures if I knew how to load them here. I have told many of my friends about this tea. I also started taking it and feel better than I have in years. Thanks for your great products.

No AIDS or HIV!!!
April 2013
My son was a meth addict and as result aquired the HIV virus and Aids. A few years ago he was released from prison and was seeing a doctor at UAMS for medication. I inquired of the doctor if he could take herbs and was told definately not. He had to have blood work done about every 2 months. I took it upon myself to make the HHA 4 herb tea and start him on it twice a day after one of his visits. After his next visit his doctor called our house and wanted to know what he was doing. The doctor said there was no sign of the HIV virus or AIDS according to his last blood work. I cannot tell you how excited we were. We had no idea what the results would be from the tea. We did not expect it to be so drastic.

Dad Terminal Diagnosis Cured!!
Feb, 2013
My dad was diagnosed with terminal small cell carcinoma lung cancer & only given months to live! Because he took the Essiac tea, one bottle of Revivin, and one bottle of Angiostop, watched his diet, used the Radialgin, he was compeltely CURED within 2 months! The oncologists were disappointed that he was going to live to tell the truth! We even went for a 2nd opinion to Birmingham & my mom walked out behind my dad with a “thumbs down” to the female oncologist that she’d just seen! He has felt so good & will have a few more good years (in his 70’s) thanks to God up above for creating these wonderful medicinal plants and for people like YOU who have shared it with others!

Hospice Patient Responds To 4-Herb Tea
Jan. 2013
As my huband lay in hospice with esophagus cancer, I was told he did not respond to treatmemt. I brought him home gave him the essiac tea around the clock, within one week he was out of bed in three weeks he was no longer eating through a feeding tube gained 17 lbs and has most of his voice back. I have to believe he responsed to the tea.

Thanks for 4-Herb Tea
Dec. 2012
Just wanted to THANK YOU for supplying the life-saving 4 Herb Tea and other products associated with the complete healing of my husband’s small cell (oat) lung cancer. He is still cancer free after a year. Drs said he would NOT live more than 6 months tops…that was last May. We have paid it forward in that we have told everybody we see and who is receptive (God leads) about the tea and your website. Somebody said, “You should be working for HHA – the number of people you send there.” I tell them NO…it is a privilege and a blessing to spread the word and to give others HOPE. This morning alone I responded to requests from FOUR friends, emailing them the HHA website and tea information. It has made Thanksgiving truly special this year. Again, God bless and thank you so much.

PS  We shared our miracle with a young woman who lives here in our area who had a large inoperable brain tumor and other spots on the liver. She JUST got a new report from her Drs. The tumor (size of a newborn baby’s head) has “released itself from its embedded state in the blood vessels” and became operable,” the Drs said. So…she had it removed this week in Asheville NC. The spots on the liver? Well they are gone. They expect a full recovery. She has taken the tea for four weeks! Praise God for this miracle. We have had feedback from MANY we have shared with and each time, is makes our hearts leap for joy.

Click here to order Essiac Tea – 4 Herb Formula

When To Use Caution When Taking Essiac Tea:

*If being given anticoagulant therapy/drugs. Essiac Tea contains constituents which may affect blood clotting.  Ask your physician/veterinarian for advice.

*Insulin dependent Diabetics and those on anti-diabetes medications may need to adjust their dosage.  All diabetics should monitor their blood sugar closely while on this tea. Some of the constituents in this tea can affect the way glucose and insulin are taken up in the cells and utilized. Many people find they need less medication while taking this tea (which is a good thing!). This is not always the case, but it is best to closely monitor blood sugar.

*If there has been a cholecystectomy (gallbladder removal), consult with your physician.  Essiac Tea stimulates many of the digestive organs and processes, so your doctor may deem it inadvisable for Essiac to be taken.

*Those with osteoporosis should consult with their physician. Reports show that oxalic acid which is present in the tea can interfere with calcium metabolism.

*If taking cardiac glycosides (such as Digoxin), ask your physician to monitor you closely for possible toxicity of the drug. Some constituents in this tea may assist the body to utilize the drug(s) more efficiently.

This product has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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