
Flea Free Testimonials

Flea Free Testimonials given by a Flea Free CustomerFlea Free Testimonials

Hi Deena,

You have my permission to print this picture with the testimonial for your flea free.  I have been injecting it into their chicken and venison for about three weeks now –no more fleas and their coats feel better.    Thanks, David

Hi Deena,

I would just like to tell you that I have never used a better product or one that does what it claims it will in my life. I have a good-sized farm and lots of animals and we had an infestation of sand fleas. They were so bad they were actually killing my younger animals, you could literally see them on their heads and bodies. I tried so many products some not natural Seven etc and none of them worked. I was at my wit’s end and came across your website while searching for garlic products.

Something just said try it and I have never been more satisfied with a product, ever. It took about a week to get into the animal’s system and to kill off the fleas in the ground areas but it worked so efficiently that you will not see a flea on an animal or anywhere on the property. I give the area’s a spray about once a month to ensure they will not come back and we keep the waters full with your product. I thank you and I know if my animals could, they would thank you too. Again, thanks for an awesome product that does what it say’s it will!

Steve Solomon


I have used your product and absolutely love it! My animals were infested with fleas and everything I used before your product never worked! Thanks so much for making my dogs and me Flea Free! I was on your website and you have a powder on there that says it will get rid of roaches 2! I have a problem with German cockroaches and I can’t seem to get rid of them! Will this powder work on them? I would really love to hear back from you!

Flea-Free and Loving It In Florida!


Thanks……… I sure will I believe it is the best… Fritz’s fur is always so beautiful and we get compliments about it…. a great product.

Mary Ann B

Hi Deena –

Just wanted to let you know the Flea Free I bought last time is working unbelievably well!  So impressed!

Nicole S.


Thank you so much for your attention to my order. Yes, I did mean to order only one bottle at this time.

And, thank you for the in-depth directions.

I feed and water squirrels, a raccoon, and an opossum in my backyard (for my cats to have something to watch). (And, because I love creatures.)

A year ago, I noticed that the squirrels were ALWAYS scratching, so I started looking for something to help with that. I found your product and have been putting it in their freshwater, outside, every day since.

They aren’t scratching anymore! It’s the absolute truth. So, thank you for the product. I hope others will use it for our outside ‘friends’ also.


Hi Deena,

I would like to share something with you about the Flea Free product.
Over the past year, my 12-1/2-year-old ‘mutt’ (Rat Terrier mix) developed arthritis. As suggested by my vet, I began giving her glucosamine with MSM, along with low-dose aspirin.
Being big on Internet research, I began to look for other natural remedies that I might give to her. On several sites, I read that apple cider vinegar was supposed to help reduce the discomfort of arthritis. I also saw that Vitamin C was a good supplement for arthritic animals.
Well, what do you know? Flea Free has both of these ingredients!
I gradually started increasing the amount of Flea Free that I’d been giving her and guess what! I’ve seen a slight improvement! Notice I said slight, but if she feels even a little bit better, I’m grateful.
Flea Free is super for its intended purpose, but knowing that it’s providing other health benefits as well makes it well worth the money.
You may add my testimonial to your website if you wish.
Best wishes,

Nan Yielding


I have a small flock of chickens that became infested with mites.  The mites were even under the scales on their legs and feet.  I powdered them over and over, bug bombed the coop, and did everything I could think of to get rid of the mites.  I put petroleum jelly on their legs to smother the mites, I even flea bathed them.  All the pesticides made matters worse because they were injecting them as they picked at the mites.  It was bad.  The chickens were sick, anemic, and miserable with the itching and their feathers were matted with runny feces.  A couple of them died, either from the mites or chemicals, I was using.  I thought I would have to have them all killed to put them out of their misery.

I found your website while researching chemical-free alternatives.  I tried the flea free and within a couple of weeks, the chickens were looking and acting a lot better.  They are now mite free, healthy, and have thick, beautiful, clean feathers.  A year later I still use it as prevention, I don’t want a repeat.

Thought you might be interested to know that flea-free isn’t just for your four-legged friends.

Thank you,
Conner Bell

Hi, Deena,

We were called out of town suddenly due to a death in the family and I gave almost all my dog food to the Pet Boarder.  I called you the day before we left for home.  Your service is incredible!  Your food arrived yesterday, the day after we arrived home and even before the Border brought the doggies back home.  And it’s so easy – I used to have to struggle to find a spot to park and then take a cart to bring the dog food to the car, take the cart back to the store, and fight traffic.  Now all I do is answer the door!  How great is that?  And shipping is free!

We have three dogs and a cat.  We live in Miami, FL. where there is always a flea problem.  I’ve been using your Flea Free for about a year now, and I’m the only dog owner in my neighborhood with no fleas.  Everyone is complaining about the fleas but me!  It’s terrific.

One day, as I was ordering a new bottle of Flea Free, I clicked on “Premium Dog Food and Treats”.  We have a dog who almost never finished her meal unless it was mixed with “people food”. I had tried many of the dry foods from the grocery store, the Veterinarian’s office, and The Dog bar, a pet store that sells high-quality pet food.   I noticed your line, “Take two clean bowls. Place your regular dog food in one and the Flint River Ranch Food in the other, and watch what happens.”  So I ordered the smallest size package and when it was delivered, I did exactly what you said.  She didn’t even look at her old dry food (which was more expensive) and gobbled up the entire contents of the Flint River Nuggets. That was about seven months ago, and now she just gobbles up every bite.  I’m just sorry that I didn’t find that great Flint River Dry Kibbles dog food eight years ago when we adopted her.

Thanks for keeping our dogs healthy on two fronts, no poisonous chemicals for fleas, and a really healthy diet.

Sincerely, Joan Morris
Coconut Grove, Florida

My order went through fine.  thanks for your great customer service as always.  By the way, I referred my mom to you for her flea problem with the cats, and she has had success as well instead of the poisonous frontline, etc….

Kelly O’Donnell, Elkridge, MD

Hi Dee    I have just re-ordered some of your products, but I don’t think that the amount charged for shipping will be enough, I have requested a link to Paypal, do you send that separately? If so can you check the shipping before sending it?

I just want to tell you how grateful I am to you for your wonderful products, I was at my wit’s end trying to find a product that would clear my beloved dog of fleas without giving him toxic products.  Your product is brilliant, it took a few weeks but now he is flea free and it is just wonderful.  We also have a serious problem with ticks here, this year, we’ve never had much of a problem with them before, but this year we have found several on our dog, thanks to your product some have been dead, and those that were alive I think had not been on him for very long as we are very careful to keep checking him over.

I now spray him and ourselves with your insect spray before we take him out  and since I started using that as well we haven’t found any more ticks on him.

We just can’t thank you enough. 

Kind regards
Grace Hillan    (Australia)

Hi Deena,

I have been giving my pets Flea Free for several weeks now, and reordered Fly Free, taking your
the suggestion about ordering that since I have so many pets.  I don’t know about the fleas yet, but I have
noticed no more ticks, especially on one dog and one cat that had a problem with them, and he was
the one I used was a chemical flea/tick drop on them on a regular basis. 
I have to seem some improvement in my Great Pyrenees.  He is 6 years old, and I was given him by a
friend.  When he came he was itching, biting at his feet (making them bleed), eyes were dull, breath
bad, stiff through his back.  Now he’s acting like a younger dog.  Even chasing his tail.  He has stopped
biting his feet. Gained weight, and his coat is shining. Eyes bright seems happier.  Even his former
the owner sees the changes.

I am very concerned about the health of my animals, and would rather avoid chemicals anywhere possible.


Sara L.

Okay, thanks so much.  I do want to tell you it WORKED!  The fleas are gone.  It was wonderful. I did use the flea free consistently and never missed a day.    I will be back to order when it is time.  Flint River Ranch is good too, we bought quite a large bag and it is lasting because she doesn’t eat much.  I know the price has gone up, but that is okay.  It is well worth it.

Thank you for all your help.  You are a real people person and also you love pets. That is wonderful.  I am so glad to have found your site on the internet.

Very sincerely,
Kathy Sloan, Phoenix, AZ

Thanks, Deena –

I had to order a larger bottle because I have rescued another Australian Shepherd…I named him

“Shadow” because he follows every step I take.  So now we have Buddy and Shadow, and couldn’t be
I have been very happy with your products.  We made it through the hot Louisiana summer with very
few flea problems.  The only time I had an issue was when Buddy stayed at the boarding kennel for
10 days, but even then it was a very short-lived problem.  I started Shadow on the “Flea-Free”
supplement the day he arrived.  He’s been with us for 8 days now and is doing great!  (Even though he
just endured Hurricane Gustav!!!)
Thanks Again,


Hi-I just received your thank you postcard and I thought I would drop you a quick note.  I just finished up my first month of the flea free and so far so good.  I have 3 dogs and I have always used Frontline or the K9 Advantix meds..  I just came through a bad situation with my Black Lab mix.  He’s 12 and was having some arthritis problems so I put him on Duramax.  Well after a month it caused one hell of a liver function problem.  After speaking with my vet we decided that we would remove any potential toxin in all 3 of my pets. I found your product online.  I am so grateful to you for having this product.  I plan on giving the info to my vet so she can educate more clients on their alternatives.  Thank you so much to all of us!

Kelly O’Donnell, Pierce-Lab mix 12 yrs, Wishbone-Beagle 11 yrs, and Daisy-Golden Retriever 9 yrs.

Can you send me another Flea Free Food Supplement?  The same size I ordered before. You can use the same credit card information I provided for the previous order.   Please email me the invoice.   I am very pleased with the results of the supplement.  My “girls” no longer have fleas. For the first time in two years, my two oldest have no fleas at all.  This is the youngest first summer so I am glad she will not have to deal with fleas.  They all had some fleas in the early spring but after about ten days of being on the supplement, the fleas were gone.   Sure don’t want to run out of it.

Thank you
Sue Bananto

My order went through fine.  Thanks for your great customer service as always.  By the way I refered my mom to you for her flea problem with the cats.  She has had success as well instead of the poisonous frontline etc….


Thanks – told a friend about you yesterday – my name is Lisa Kalaf.  You may hear from her.  I have told MANY people!!  Hope sales are booming!

Hi Deena- Thanks very much! I have about a quarter of my bottle left, so I figured I might as well do two. One is for our son’s pups. Yes, we have been using it and we have had no critters of any kind on all five of the dogs. I am really happy with it. And I feel the dogs are much healthier for it. My son’s dogs are between 60-80 pounds – what would their dosage be? I kind of think he is giving them more than they need.

Thanks for the help!


I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for developing your Flea Free products.

I have seen wonderful results with my beautifully marked shelter Border Collie in these 2 weeks that I’ve had your food supplement. I tried Frontline, Advantage, and Advantix–nothing worked. After I’d carefully apply these topical treatments to her skin, she’d give a firm shake of her body and about $8 worth of those chemicals would splatter over my floor, me, walls, etc… I live in Northwest FL where we constantly battle insects of every shape and form. But, I’ve never had a dog when I was growing up that was as sensitive to flea bites as my Maggie. She would whine, chew ferociously on her hind legs, and butt, and scratch her chest with her hind legs. With hardwood floors, huge tufts of her hair would roll across the floor like tumbleweeds. Her legs were almost completely bald, except for the bloody scabs. She was miserable; I was miserable. Both of us were full of tears, and for the first time in a year, I was full of regret for getting her.

I came across your website in what was literally a last-ditch effort to figure out some kind of flea control. Since she did have fleas on her, it took a little while longer for me to see results than I would have liked. Waiting 2 weeks to see my dog peacefully sleeping, without biting and scratching every few minutes has been totally WORTH it! I’ve also been treating my cat Tux for fleas using your Flea Free supplement. He has also scratched a lot less! I will spread the word with family and friends about your products. I just ordered a larger bottle of the food supplement and the yard spray. Keep it up and thank you again!

Lisa S., Pensacola, FL

Hi Deena,

Is there any way I can get the Flea Free Food Supplement (Same size) sent to Terry (you have his
address in Florida).  As info, everything has worked out great for Ter and his dog.  We are a very
grateful – as I told you he is an older dog and WAS a family friend in need.  Ter advised me the
the supplement has been wonderful and along with the boric acid did the trick.  Those items along with
Dawn (remember this trick) has saved the day.

Anyways you have my billing info – pls. advise me if sending the supplement is doable.   You have been a tremendous help in getting things back on track.  Thanks for all your help – I will be recommending you to friends in the future.



I own a grooming salon in Louisiana and have used your Herbal Shampoo on my mini schnauzer.  It
is wonderful. It has really helped her skin and really seems to have stopped some of the itchings. I
would like to know if you sell it by the gallon. I am interested in using it in my shop for other dogs that
have skin problems as well.
Thank you,


I just thought I’d let you know that after switching my dog’s dog food to FRR and beginning to give him Flea Free as a supplement in November, his flea problem has completely cleared up, and we haven’t seen any fleas in months. I’ll never give him chemical products again, they are a waste of money, and don’t work nearly as well. Thank you!

We haven’t had ticks in our yard for years and the other day the electric company came over and cut down some trees that were hanging too close to the power line.  It was behind our house and storage building back in the woods, it extended our property lot by about 80 feet, but it left the ground all torn up.  A couple of days later some trucks came in and filled up the area with new dirt and leveled it out.  It looked pretty nice but the new dirt was full of ticks and our dogs got some on them.  I told Chris to go out and spray that new section and he did.  We haven’t seen any ticks since.  So I don’t know if they died or just left the yard.  You can pass the word that it may not kill the ticks but they certainly don’t like the Yard and Garden Spray and they will leave the premises.

Clara A., Florida

Hi Deena,

I just wanted to drop you a line to say thank you so much for being such a caring person. I really
appreciate that you go above and beyond, putting together these great newsletters every month and
just giving every order such personal attention. When I bought a jug of the Flea Free product you sell,
you personally emailed me with instructions on how best to use it, and I really appreciated that. I
have to say, my Shiba Inu scratches much less and has a shinier coat since using this.
I am very happy to buy Flint River Ranch food from you and your family. Keep up the good work!
Thanks again for everything,

Katie Lupienz


I had a cat get sick from being infested with fleas. It came close to dying.  I started looking for something that would get rid of the fleas, after using Flea Free for 3 months I had to take the cat back to the vet.  Found out he had a summer and had to put him down.  Though the vet asked what I had used to get rid of the flea problem.  There was no sight of fleas at all on my cat.  Now I know the rest of my cats are not going to have this problem.

Thanks for having a product that really works.
John Kellogg

Hi Deena,
I purchased your Flea Free Food Supplement a few weeks ago & wanted to wait until I saw some results before I wrote you.
My dog, Ruthie, is almost 7 years old.  She’s a huskie mix. 
For almost a month before I bought & used your Flea Free Food Supplement, Ruthie would cringe away from me when I was petting her.  If she was on her back & I rubbed her tummy, her leg would start twitching – like she was scratching herself.   If I rubbed her from neck to tail, she’d try & get away from me.  Something was definitely bothering her.  I’m thinking she had neurological problems or some disease.
This ‘cringing’ got me upset enough that I went to my local vet & asked him what to do about this.  His suggestion: give Ruthie 1 baby aspirin 3 times per week (the 81 mg low dose kind).  I didn’t like the fact that I would have to give her this aspirin when she seemed healthy & not in the kind of pain that would require aspirin.
Then I started using your Flea Free.  Ruthie didn’t have many fleas, but I just had to tell you that your wonderful supplement not only *worked*, but the cringing is now gone!!!  Apparently, the fleas were biting her enough where it probably hurt her – so when I pet & rubbed her, she’d cringe away from pain.
I had a sneaking suspicion that the cringing was due to her having fleas and I was right.  I had tried Frontline and not only is it verrry expensive, but toxic as I read at your site.  Your miracle supplement is not only healthy but much cheaper than commercial remedies.
Thanks a million for your wonderful product.  I am so grateful to you for helping me help my Ruthie get rid of fleas – and the cringing they caused!
Thanks for subscribing to your newsletter, too.  Keep ’em coming!

Cornelia (Connie) Vokoun

Hi Deena,
You can gladly use our testimonial. Our dogs just love the taste of the garlic/vinegar sprinkled over their dry kibble. I put one tablespoon daily over their food since they are about 75 lbs each. We have never ever had any problem with ticks or fleas.
Keep up the good work !!
Best Regards,


Good morning and thank you…

I am so pleased with this product for Fritz….  his fur is so shiny and healthy looking and he has lots of energy…

I will be looking at trying some treats or moist food as well next time around.  I have also had my brother try the flea free for his dog as well and know he will too see good results from it..

Have a good day Mary Ann

 Hi Deena, how are you? I just have to take the time to tell you about molly. She has been on flea free for about 5 weeks, we had a friend stop in last week and commented how good molly looks and that her eyes don’t look glassy anymore, I didn’t realize they did.  We have a massage therapist for her she was here today and absolutely could not believe the improvement in her ability to move so much better. I did not say anything previously that she looks like she’s losing weight and she noticed it right away. I changed her food to merick 3 months ago but since she’s on flea free it seems like she’s losing easier and so is our male dusty who was starting to pork up. with one of the vets it has been a very sore subject, I’ve had her on a diet for 2 years and she lost very little, now you see right away she is losing and I have to think flea free is part of this, I am so tickled I also think I have a shop owner talked into being a distributor for you. Did  I mention there are NO FLEAS EITHER?  The effect on molly is so great I just had to write to you. THANK YOU.  Please send me another bottle. Diane, molly@ dusty.

I have ordered Flea Free before. I also wanted to say that Flea Free is the best product I’ve ever used with my cats.  I have cats that stay indoors and out, and I’ve had problems with fleas in the house.  Since I’ve been using Flea Free, I have not seen one flea inside. Thank you so much!!

I am re-ordering Flea Free because it has worked GREAT, especially since I switched my dog, Moses, from Pedigree to Flint River Ranch! In the past 3 weeks, I have only seen one flea, so we’re not through with them yet. However, the situation has improved drastically, especially in comparison with the ineffectiveness of all the chemical sprays and products that I spent over $75 on before. Thank you so much for your products, and for your great customer service! I’ll be back!


 Sparky’s flea problem is gone thanks to Flea Free! Gonna order it again to keep him from scratchin’! Thanks!


 Dear Bob and Denna:  I just wanted to let you know that Dr. Gold’s Ear Therapy REALLY works.  It is so nice to have a product do what it promises to do.  I have an English Setter who has been plagued with ear problems since he was a puppy.  I have tried everything you can imagine with no long-term results.  I tried Dr. Golds and NO MORE PROBLEMS.  I thought you might want to know this. 

Kathy Ganley

Hello Dee, yes I have been using the flea free on my outside strays, I put some in the water because it
too hard to make sure they get it in their food, too many feeds at once and I can honestly say that not
1 of them has had a tick on them yet!!!! So I just ordered more for my sisters’ critters. Thank you for
the good things and food, my cats just LOVE it and of course, my dog( Dozer) also loves the food and
jubilee biscuits.

That’s funny, I am doing a home course on Vet assistant and I just read about foxtails lol

By the way, I am not seeing any fleas!! WOW, I have to admit I was skeptical! The phone is still off but can use my sister’s computer now and again. I received my fish n chips (think that’s what it’s called) yesterday and Lizzy really liked it. I am introducing her to it gradually, as I know you are supposed to do. Have a great day.  Jen



I have an 8month old puppy named Josie.  My fiance and I adopted her back in September, here in Estero [10 miles north of NAPLES, FL].  During the month of October through November, she was on ADVANTIX but received NO resistance to the ticks in our tropical-like climate.  In one month’s time, we counted 18 ticks on her.  Now we do live in a gated community in a new development, so I wasn’t sure if it was due to hurricane Charley, the season, or the fact that we are living in new construction.  Either way, I was terribly upset that her ADVANTIX was not working,…at all.

We were referred to Flea Free by someone we ran into at an outdoor shopping complex.  Since Josie
has been on Flea Free and it has been a wonderful, healthy alternative for Josie that actually works
without harsh chemicals.  We are very thankful your company allows us to order the product
on-line.  We certainly appreciate the convenience.  Since our ‘tick tragedy,’ we have told other pet
owners of this product, and now we will have to let them know of your website.
Best Regards,

Jessica Campanile


Just a short note to say how pleased we are w/ the results of your flea product.  2 of 3 cats took to it in their water without hesitation.
The other cat prefers it in his food. (or rather doesn’t protest. Picky don’t ya know).
All in all, your product delivers as advertised.

RD Dempster

Learn more about Flea Free Food Supplement.

Important Disclaimer: The stories and information on this site are not meant to diagnose or prescribe for you. If you or your pet has a medical problem, you should consult your medical doctor or veterinarian. The ideas and information on this site have not been endorsed or approved by the FDA.  In no event shall the owners of this website be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation. The decision to use, or not to use, any information is the sole responsibility of the reader. Opinions expressed here are those of individual contributors. This website does not verify or endorse the claims of contributing writers.

The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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