Finnegan had major intestinal problems, terrible painful gas and other gastronomical problems. We were taking him to the vet at least once a month. One such attack cost me close to a thousand dollars for one night in the emergency hospital when he started sluffing off his intestinal lining. We tried other highly recommended food to no avail. I came across the web site for Flint River Food and we decided to give it a try. We have been feeding him the Lamb, Millet and Rice formula mixed with a small amount of the Dry Water for about 5 months now and he has had absolutely no attacks. The few dollars more for Flint River has more than made up for the money we were putting out for vet bills. As you can see by the pic, he is well fed, contented boy Thanks for your product. I thought maybe you would like to see where the flint river food was going.