Here’s How They Do It:
Chemical flea pesticides are “neurotoxins“, and they work just as their name implies. They’re toxic to the nerves.
They cause neurological damage and disease by placing toxins into your pet’s bloodstream. (And into our children’s bloodstreams when they touch the area where the treatment was just applied.)
When insects or parasites bite your pet, they ingest the toxins which causes them to die. But the same toxic effects that kill the insects can cause serious health problems for pets: seizures, allergies, cancer, and numerous other diseases that are increasing at an alarming rate in the US.
And recent research suggests that life expectancy is reduced by 25% in those animals treated.
Plus, every year chemical products become stronger & more aggressive in order to foil the parasite’s ever increasing resistance to chemicals. Stronger chemicals have to be applied to destroy these pesky critters, resulting in increasing danger to your pets.
That’s why holistic veterinarians and other pet professionals advise using a chemical free flea prevention product.
For more information about chemicals used in commercial flea and tick products, click here.
A Healthy Alternative

Flea Free and Fly Free Food Supplements are a safe way to control pesky insects. Give Flea Free to cats, dogs, birds and other small pets, and give Fly Free to larger animals, such as horses, alpacas, goats, cows, etc.
It’s the natural way to eliminate fleas and other blood-feeding insects (including mosquitoes, biting flies, mites & lice) that carry germs and parasites – without poisoning your pets and your environment!
Flea Free and Fly Free Food Supplements:
- Control fleas and other blood sucking insects!
- Contain NO chemicals!
- Cost LESS than commercial products!
- Enhance health with vitamins, minerals, amino acids & enzymes!
Here’s what one of many satisfied pet owners had to say:
” Hi, I have a small flock of chickens that became infested with mites. The mites were even under the scales on their legs and feet. I powdered them over and over, bug bombed the coop and did everything I could think of to get rid of the mites. I put petroleum jelly on their legs to smother the mites, I even flea bathed them. All the pesticides made matters worse because they were injesting it as they picked at the mites. It was bad. The chickens were sick, anemic and miserable with the itching and their feathers were matted with runny feces. A couple of them died, either from the mites or chemicals I was using. I thought I would have to have them all killed to put them out of their misery.
I found your website while researching for chemical-free alternatives. I tried the flea free and within a couple of weeks the chickens were looking and acting a lot better. They are now mite free, healthy and have thick, beautiful, clean feathers. A year later I still use it as prevention, I don’t want a repeat.
Thought you might be interested to know that flea-free isn’t just for your four-legged friends.
Thank you, Conner Bell”
Click here to read more experiences others have had with Flea Free & Fly Free!
Receive a FREE 4 oz. bottle of Nature’s Way Insect Spray when ordering Flea Free Food Supplement or Fly Free Food Supplement!
Just write “Insect Spray” in the comment section on the ordering page, and we’ll send it along with your Flea Free or Fly Free.
Containing only non-toxic ingredients, Nature’s Way Insect Spray is:
- So effective that it lasts for hours!
- For dogs & people too!
- Great for sports enthusiasts when golfing, fishing, boating, hunting and also joggers, campers, sunbathers on the beach or around the pool!
Click the following links to learn more about other non-toxic Flea Free Products.
- Pet Scents Herbal Shampoo
- Nature’s Way Insect Spray
- Fleas Away Boric Acid Carpet Treatment
- Organic Yard & Garden Spray
- Tick Key
- Fly Free Garlic Powder
- Herbal Fly Spray with Aloe
- Fur Foam Waterless Shampoo
Value Packs:
We also have six Value Packs. One is great for pets who hate baths since it contains the Herbal Scents Waterless Shampoo. Provides all you need to beat flea infestations at a discounted price.