MSE – Multiple Stabilized Enzymes

MSE™ (Multiple Stabilized Enzymes) contains various enzymes including:

 protease lipase    cellulase    amylase (mainly a-amylase) 

  lactase    glucase  phytase  maltase (a-glucosidase

Also included in MSE are numerous strains of yeast, fungi and bacteria.  In addition, multiple stabilized enzymes contain crucial vitamins and minerals, as well as detoxifiers.


The major advantage of using multiple stabilized enzymes is to increase the digestibility of food.  MSE can increase the digestibility by 8-10% in ruminants (animals having 3 or 4 stomach compartments) and 12-14% in monogastrics (animals with one stomach compartment). This means swine can gain the same amount on 12-14% less feed. This increase in digestibility also means that the animals absorb more vitamins and minerals. With less waste being produced, there is consequently less stool matter and less undegrated material in the stools. That means less odors!

The bacteria, fungi and yeast included in MSE also provides your animal with a probiotics source. Probiotics (now termed DFM’s) are beneficial in increasing digestion factors and acting as a safe-guard during times of stress. The following article gives an explanation on the importance of DFM’s and compares them to antibiotics.

With the widespread availability of antibiotics over forty years ago, antibiotic feeding became a common practice for use as a therapeutic agent and a growth stimulant for livestock. Since their introduction, however, there has been a growing concern about the use of antibiotics resulting in the development of resistant strains of bacteria, which made subsequent use of antibiotics less effective. This later resulted in the banning of most antibiotics as growth promoters in animal feed supplements. There has also been much public concern over the use of antibiotics, due to the possibility of a residue left in meat. Today, only the disease preventive antibiotics are allowed and they are widely used for this purpose.

These oral antibiotics have been shown to cause intestinal upsets after ingestion, despite their effectiveness for curing the disease for which they have been prescribed. These intestinal upsets are usually caused by the disruption and death of the beneficial bacterial flora, as a result of the antibiotic. Therefore, full recovery is slowed or even prevented with disease treatment by an antibiotic.

These factors have led to the search for alternatives to feeding antibiotics. Probiotics are being considered to fill this role, and many producers are already using them in preference to antibiotics. The word “probiotic” has come to have an elusive meaning. One satisfactory definition is, “a living microbial feed supplement which beneficially affects the host animal by improving its intestinal microbial balance.” In 1989, however, the FDA required manufacturers to use the term direct-fed microbial (DFM) rather than probiotic. The FDA defines DFM as “a source of live (viable) naturally-occurring microorganisms.” This definition includes bacteria, fungi, and yeast.


Multiple Stabilized EnzymesThe entire mode of action of DFM’s is not wholly known. Its general effects, however, are simple – especially when compared to antibiotics. Antibiotics function via the destruction of pathogenic organisms in an animal’s digestive system. In other words, an antibiotic kills microbial life in the G.I. tract in an effort to destroy pathogens. The problem with this is that many of the beneficial microorganisms are killed in addition to pathogenic organisms. This can be very detrimental since the beneficial microorganisms are the animals principal defence mechanisms against pathogens, as well as being important in the digestive process. This loss of these microbes creates a stress factor on the animal and slows recovery until these beneficial microorganisms regain their population.

On the other hand, direct-fed microbials actually add live (viable), beneficial organisms to an animal’s system. These organisms increase the health of an animal’s system in several different ways. To develop an understanding, one should know the purpose of the gut microflora (digestive tract microorganisms). Digestive tract microflora aid the animal in digesting feed and aid to resist infections naturally by competing with and fighting against pathogens while serving to protect the G. 1. tract walls. This is shown best by the fact that germ-free animals are more susceptible to disease than are normal animals with a complete intestinal microflora. For example, whereas a germ-free mouse can be killed with 10 cells of Salmonella enteritidis, 1,000,000 cells are required to kill a conventional mouse. Taking this into consideration, one can easily see the risk of recovery from a mostly absent microflora due to the feeding of an antibiotic, since an antibiotic tries to remove pathogens instead of naturally increasing the animals health and resistance to these pathogens

Using the aforementioned information, it is evident that the presence of microflora greatly decreases an animal’s chance of getting sick; but why is this so? Some possible modes of action of DFM’s include:

1.Suppression of infectants by:

      a. production of antibacterial compounds

      b. competition for nutrients

      c. competition for adhesion sites

2. Alteration of microbial metabolism by:

      a. increased enzyme activity

      b. decreased enzyme activity

3. Stimulation of immunity

      a. increased antibody levels

      b. increased macrophage activity

Besides the factors mentioned that generally increase the state of health of an animal, DFM’s have been shown to affect many other aspects such as passage rate, digestibility, rate of gain, milk production, etc….

With continual feeding, DFM’s have been shown to maintain herd health without the side effects that are present when using antibiotics. A feeding program involving a continual supply of DFM’s to an animal results in a stronger and healthier gut microflora. This yields an animal that is less susceptible to illness and disease. Also, if the treatment of an animal with a DFM is plausible, there are fewer or no side effects as compared to an antibiotic. In addition, Aspergillus oryzae (A.O.) and Sacharomyces cerevisiae (S.C.) cultures have been shown to increase fiber digestion and milk yield. Other possible benefits include increased rate of passage, rate of fermentation, DM digestibility, CP digestibility, ADG and total VFA production. Decreases include a lower feed: grain ratio and less  methane production. Use of other microbials and microbial by-products, such as bacteria and enzymes, can aid in the digestive process even further. When it is necessary to treat an animal with an antibiotic, DFM’s are especially beneficial as an aid to reduce stress and boost the animal’s microflora population back to normal for a speedy recovery.

This is where Natur’s Way MSE enzyme feed additive comes into play. In addition to the multiple enzymes included for increased feed conversion, MSE also contains more active microbials than many DFM products. These microbials include multiple strains of bacteria, yeast and fungi. Therefore, MSE is not intended to merely increase digestibility, but it also adds crucial microbes (DFM’S) to stabilize and increase the health of the G. I. tract.

To view products containing Multiple Stabilized Enzymes, click here.

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The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product(s) is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

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