The Benefit of Stem Cell Nutrition for Pets with Stem Enhance Ultra


Recently, the benefits of stem cell nutrition for pets have gained traction in the veterinary field as studies demonstrate the numerous benefits.

Stem cell therapy has become a hot topic in society. With their role in regenerative medicine, stem cells have received much-needed attention. Still, the question remains – what exactly are stem cells, and why do we need them?

In this article, I’ll explain:

What are stem cells?
How can we find stem cells?
What are the ingredients in StemEnhance Ultra?
What are the therapeutic benefits of stem cell nutrition for pets?
Is stem cell nutrition affordable?

What are Stem Cells?

Stem cells are progenitors. They are early-staged cells capable of maturing and differentiating into a particular cell type (1). Serving as crucial regulators within the body, stem cells play an integral role in regenerating tissue damaged by disease or injury and helping maintain healthy tissue as we age.

There are two main types of stem cells:

Embryonic Stem Cells

Embryonic Stem Cells (ESCs) are pluripotent, meaning they can differentiate into any cell line and become all types of tissue. These are found in the umbilical cord (1).Adult Stem Cells

Adult Stem Cells

(ASCs) are multipotent and capable of becoming many different tissues, but limited compared to ESCs (1).  For a cell to maintain the “stem cell” status, it has to fulfill two unique properties: self-renewal and pluripotency (2). Self-renewal means that any given stem cell can divide to produce another identical stem cell, similar to how our skin keeps regenerating itself over time. Once it loses this ability to regenerate, it is no longer a stem cell (2).

Regarding pluripotency, this means that a stem cell must be capable of maturing into a variety of different cell types. Stem cells are initially undifferentiated when they first form, but as the cell develops and differentiates into a specific type of cell (i.e., heart muscle cells), it loses its pluripotency capabilities (2).

How can we find stem cells?

Stem cells are scarce. The most common way for scientists to isolate a population of stem cells is by using antibodies to bind hallmark proteins of interest found on the surface of stem cells – similar to a lock and key approach. For instance, CD34 is a protein expressed on the surface of ASCs (3). These ASCs are predominantly found in the bone marrow and adipose tissue (fat), supporting the immune system and organ tissue (2,3).

But how can we find and bene

fit from the stem cells in our bodies? A study by Jensen et al. demonstrated that consumption of the edible cyanobacterium, Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA), resulted in a 25% increase in CD34-positive cells in the bloodstream after one hour (4). These findings suggest that supplementation with AFA can help mobilize ASCs into systemic circulation where they can gain access to the major organs.

More recently, an article published in the International Journal of Stem Cells reported that supplementation with StemEnhance Ultra (which contains AFA) in a diabetic animal model resulted in increased CD34 cells in the bloodstream, as well as regeneration of functional insulin-producing cells of the pancreas after four weeks of treatment (5). Both these studies are remarkable examples of what plant-based supplements like StemEnhance Ultra can accomplish in both human and pet health.

Learn more about StemEnhance Ultra here.

How does StemEnhance Ultra work?

StemEnhance Ultra Ultimate Stem Cell Nutrition

The primary mechanism of action for StemEnhance Ultra is its ability to disrupt critical interactions between cell adhesion molec

ules on the surface of the stem cell and bone marrow-associated ligands that serve as anchors (4). This allows the stem cells to mobilize, enter systemic circulation, and gain access to injury sites.

A protein of interest that has received much attention for its role in stem cell mobilization has been L-Selectin. This membrane protein is found on stem cells with roles in both cell tethering and migration (4,6). In recent studies, evidence suggests that the biological compounds in StemEnhance Ultra interact with L-Selectin and promote stem cell detachment (7).

StemEnhance Ultra is able to cause this disruption and increase stem cell mobility primarily through three main ingredients:

Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (AFA) – a species of blue-green algae that has a well-documented role in stem cell mobilization from the bone marrow (8). Its mechanism of action appears to be through acting as a ligand for a major adhesion molecule, L-Selectin (4).Fucoidan – a sulfated polysaccharide found in brown seaweed (Undaria pinnatifida) capable of mobilizing stem cells in the bone marrow (9). In addition to L-Selectin, Fucoidan has also been shown to bind a different adhesion molecule on the surface of stem cells, CD11b, which further leads to stem cell mobilization (7,10).

Mesenkine® – a protein isolated from spirulina that is involved with increasing concentrations of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF), helping release in the blood and homing stem cells to sites of injury (11).

AFA supplementation increases CD34+ cells in peripheral circulation (8).

Effects of AFA Bluegreen algae - one of the key ingredients in in StemEnhance Ultra

What are the therapeutic benefits of stem cell nutrition for pets?

Exactly how stem cells promote healing and regeneration of damaged tissue remains under investigation. Some researchers have shown that mobilizing stem cells into the bloodstream improves injury detection and encourages healing through immune-mediated responses (2).

Here are five examples that highlight the benefits of stem cell nutrition in pet health and veterinary medicine:

Wound Healing:

Stem cell therapy has been shown to help with wound repair, especially in muscle and skin injury cases. In a study that directly examined the effects of the StemEnhance supplement, mice treated with 300 mg/kg of StemEnhance daily for 23 days demonstrated rapid wound repair and muscle regeneration following injury in the control group (12).

When we look at the therapeutic effect of stem cells in the peripheral blood, we also see these benefits translate to wound repair of cutaneous lesions. A clinical evaluation looked at four separate horses that were all unresponsive to conventional therapies. After topical and systemic treatment of peripheral blood stem cells, the wounds were fully healed after four weeks (13). These findings are only the tip of the iceberg. By utilizing the body’s stem cells and increasing their mobilization through supplements like StemEnhance Ultra, we have a tremendous therapeutic tool that can be used for both our pets and ourselves.

Orodental Disease:

Oral pain can have a significant impact on the quality of life of our pets. For example, feline chronic gingivostomatitis (FCGS) is a severe oral disease that causes considerable pain and dysfunction in cats.

By treating with IV supplementation of ASCs and thereby increasing the numbers of circulating stem cells, affected cats demonstrated decreased symptoms of FCGS by promoting tissue regeneration, increasing blood flow around the inflamed gingiva (gums), and reducing inflammation associated with this condition (14).

Diseases like FCGS can also extend to systemic diseases and chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract if left untreated. By utilizing supplements like StemEnhance Ultra, we can mobilize stem cells into the bloodstream to help prevent the onset of such a disease.

Digestive Tract Disease:

Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) is a common digestive disease that affects both dogs and cats. A recent study found 9 of 11 dogs who received IV ASC therapy demonstrated clinical remission and significant healing of the digestive tissue. The study also noted a significant increase in albumin, cobalamin, and folate levels in the blood – all indicators of improvement (15).

Similarly, in a blinded study of cats with IBD, 5 of 7 owners reported significant improvement following stem cell therapy (16). Thus, a growing body of evidence suggests stem cell therapy is a promising option for treating IBD.

Liver Disease:

The liver is constantly exposed to threats from toxins, viruses, and other foreign invaders. As a result, liver cirrhosis is a condition in which the liver is unable to function normally due to long-term damage.

Looking at a canine model of liver cirrhosis, stem cell therapy significantly reduced the total area of liver fibrosis, decreased inflammation, and improved liver function (17). By promoting stem cell mobilization from the bone marrow, studies suggest that we can positively impact liver health.

Renal Disease:

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) is a common disease in senior cats that leads to kidney failure. Although a complete renal transplant has been shown to restore function in the kidney, this procedure is invasive and costly (18).

An alternative approach is stem cell therapy. A study looking at spontaneous cases of CKD found cats receiving intravenous stem cell therapy demonstrated a significant improvement in renal function (19). By measuring serum creatinine, urine protein, and urine specific gravity, the researchers concluded direct benefits through stem cell therapy.


Is stem cell nutrition affordable?

As an emerging technology, the use of stem cells in veterinary medicine is an innovation that carries a hefty price tag. Including the initial exam fee, radiographs, bone marrow collection, hospitalization, and stem cell expansion in vitro, the price quickly adds up – becoming a barrier for many pet owners. A leading veterinary insurance provider in the US estimates the average stem cell therapy to cost $2,500.

Instead of waiting for the onset of disease to affect your pet before making a decision, there are many benefits to being proactive and focusing on prevention. By using stem cell nutrition supplements like StemEnhance Ultra, your pet can mobilize the native stem cells found in the bone marrow and allow for systemic healing of major organ systems.

Not only does focusing on stem cell nutrition help you avoid unanticipated veterinary visits, but a bottle of StemEnhance Ultra costs just a fraction of what an average veterinary exam fee may cost you. By focusing on disease prevention through stem cell supplementation, you can keep your pet in optimal health and save a considerable amount of money at the same time.


We’ve just begun to discover the benefits stem cell nutrition has for our pets. What was once shrouded in mystery is now an emerging option available to both pets and people alike. Stem cell nutrition is an exciting new advancement that serves as another tool to reach optimal wellness.

Especially as we age, the importance of stem cell nutrition becomes more apparent. The number of circulating stem cells decreases, and they undergo functional modifications, leading to impaired immune function and increased risk of disease onset (20,21). By utilizing the body’s own form of medicine through stem cell mobilization, supplements like StemEnhance Ultra provide a tremendous therapeutic tool that can help prevent and treat disease in our pets.

To learn more about StemEnhancment Ultra and how it can benefit your pet, visit our website today! We are always adding customer testimonials that show the benefits of stem cell nutrition.



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