Life's Abundance pet business

They say 52 days is a year in a dog’s life.  That means time flies with your furry companion, spend that time wisely. Go for long walks, throw the ball one more time when your arm gets tired, and don’t skimp on the treats. Then, when the time comes when your buddy walks a little slower or sleeps a little longer, look to PetAlive by Native Remedies to make your dog’s glory years the best of their life.

Brain Health Booster for Senior Dogs - Healthy Food for Pets

Thanks to their NEW Homeopathic Brain Health Booster for Senior Dogs, you can help reduce symptoms of cognitive decline associated with canine aging and encourage a more alert mind and less mental confusion. Take out the stress of medicine with this liquid formula and add it to wet food or a treat for convenience.

The same goes for fluffy too! PetAlive offers the same Homeopathic Brain Health Boosters for Senior Cats to make sure you get to hear that soothing purr even longer. While cats are living longer these days with advances in veterinary medicine, thanks to the Western lifestyle and processed pet foods, older cats are becoming more prone to ill health in their senior years. With the help of the brain booster formula, you can support normal energy levels and reduce confusion and memory problems.

These Brain Health Boosters are crafted of safe, effective, and natural ingredients that are side-effect free without the risk of addiction. Be sure to check out these boosters, and other amazing pet products, at Pet Alive and give your furry family member the golden years they deserve.

You can also save 15% OFF + FREE Shipping when you spend $60 or more!  Just use code HEALTHYPET15 at checkout.

Brain Health Booster for Senior Dogs at!


Brain Health Booster for Senior Cats

Save 15% And Get Free Shipping When You Spend Over $60 At

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