StemEnhance Ultra


StemEnhance Ultra is a daily supplement that stimulates stem cell production by helping to release an animal’s stem cells from their own bone marrow.  Stem cells travel through the blood stream to areas of the body needing cell repair.  Once cells are regenerated and healthy, the body can then heal itself.

You can read more below and for more detailed information, including directions for giving to pets, please visit this page.    You will find many testimonials here, and scientific information about the benefits of stem cell nutrition here.

You can become a Preferred Customer by setting up an automatic monthly order and pay only $64 per bottle (and even less when purchasing a 3-Pack or 5-Pack.   Just click on this link, and you’ll be taken to the manufacturer’s (Cerule) website where you can  order at this discounted rate.  On the page, click on the turquoise colored, “Save More” button located towards the top of the page.


 What Is StemEnhance Ultra?

StemEnhance Ultra is a supplement that supplies stem cell nutrition.  As we humans and animals go through the aging process, our body’s ability to repair itself and maintain optimal health decreases due to a reduction in the number of circulating stem cells.  StemEnhance Ultra increases the number of circulating stem cells by providing stem cell nutrition, supporting the body’s process to self-repair and self-renew.

Research shows that increased circulating adult stem cells supports the body’s natural innate ability to renew healthy tissue and to self-heal.  You can read many research articles  here.  And this link will take you to an article that further explains the science involved with stem cells.

StemEnhance® Ultra contains extracts from nature’s most primitive superfoods, freshwater microalgae and marine macroalgae.  The synergistic affect of these ingredients allow an animal’s own adult stem cells to be released from their bone marrow.  Once in the blood, they travel to any area of the body in need of repair or regeneration.

What are the ingredients in StemEnhance Ultra?

StemEnhance Ultra ingredients:

1.  StemEnhance AFA concentrate
2.  Fucoidan
3.  Mesenkine

The blending of StemEnhance with Fucoidan offers a unique synergy further enhanced by Mesenkine™ which is a unique Spirulina that is isolated through a patented extraction process.

Is StemEnhance Ultra the Best Stem Cell Supplement?

StemEnhance Ultra is a well-researched, patented, and incredibly effective supplement.

Many other stem cell suppements are available, but none have the patented AFA concentrate that is in StemEnhance Ultra.

StemEnhance Testimonials

We have gathered many testimonials, and you can read them here.  Although StemEnhance was mainly taken by humans, as years went on, they began to give it to their pets and had incredible outcomes.  That is because it functions in the same way in both

Does Stemenhance Ultra Really Work?

Without a doubt!  I had had a heart murmer for about a year and a half.  After about 4 weeks of taking StemEnhance, the murmer was gone, and I no longer have the rapid heartbeat that I would have at times.

My own experience with the product led me to do more research, and that is when I discovered that so many pets were having remarkable results!  Just read the research & abstract articles and the testimonials.

Backed by Science:  Proven Clinical Studies:

StemEnhance® Ultra is the result of 16 years of research (as of 2017) and constitutes the most efficacious and scientifically proven stem cell support product in the market today.

Through multiple clinical trials, StemEnhance Ultra was documented to optimize stem cell function in the body by increasing the number of both stem cells and Endothelial Progenitor Cells (EPCs) in the blood circulation, supporting optimum renewal and repair of tissues and organs.

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StemEnhance Ultra also contains Mesenkine that was shown to increase the blood concentration of G-CSF that plays a key role in stem cell release.

Positive effects of Mesenkine on stem cell production


How do I give StemEnhance Ultra?

We have very detailed instructions on our StemEnhance Ultra website page.  Please click here and scroll down to the instruction area.

Important Disclaimer: The statements above have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product(s) is not intended to diagnose or prescribe. Website owners will not be liable for any damages whatsoever resulting from any action arising in connection with the use of this information or its publication, including any action for infringement of copyright or defamation.

Weight3 oz


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