Healthy Food For Pets


Tag: allergies

Tired of Pesky Fleas?

If you have pets, you probably know all too well how difficult it is to control a flea problem. Those pesky fleas cause discomfort for your pet and ‘camp out’ in different areas of your home. How do you get rid of these pests? Since commercial flea killers are...

Allergies – They’re Not Just for Humans Anymore

  Introduction To Dog Allergies Whether in human or companion animals, recent research (Rastall, 2004) has shown that allergies are the result of both genetics and environment.  Genetics (DeBoer, 2004) predisposes a human or pet to suffer from allergies, but the deal is clinched if they are raised in a modern...

Genetically Modified Corn in Pet Food

Genetically Modified Corn in Pet Food Rats Fed Genetically Modified Corn – GMO Corn According to the Huffington Post, 88% of corn now grown in the U.S. is genetically modified   (GM).  Why should pet owners be concerned about this?  Well, scientists performed studies on rats, and after feeding genetically modified corn...

Pet Ear Infections

Pet Ear Infections Is your dog or cat tormented by ear infections? Do you spend time and money at the veterinarian’s office trying to bring relief to your beloved pet, only to find that another infection appears over time? If so, you may want to try some more natural approaches to...

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